

Import Adoption Headers – (TX 1.23.1)

Import Adoption Headers – (TX 1.23.1)

You must have a file from your administration to proceed with this import. If not, please proceed to the next section. For more information on this import process, please contact the TCS Service Center.

Enter the Adoption term you will be importing. – The term will already have to exist in Term Maintenance (TX.SU.1.2.1).

Enter the path of file to import * – The name of the file must be “Adpt-Imp.txt” or “course.asc” for the Budgetext format. Please ensure that the path exists and the file is named correctly for the import to be successful.

Add Non-existing Departments and Courses * – Enter a ‘Y’ if you wish the program to automatically add Departments and Courses that are not currently on file, but are contained within the import file. If you enter ‘N’, then the program will warn you each time it finds a Department or Course that is not on file and will not add the adoption record.

Convert spaces in key fields to: Spaces are not allowed in the key fields of a store, term, department, course and/or section number. If your import file contains spaces enter the character you would like it converted to. If you leave it blank the spaces will be stripped out. Asterisks (*) are not allowed.

Create eCommerce records for faculty* – Enter a ‘Y’ so the system will automatically create the eCommerce records (Pref Customer record) so faculty can log into the faculty adoptions.

Budgetext Format* – Enter ‘N’ if the file name is “Adpt-Imp.txt”, enter a ‘Y’ if the file name is “course.asc” or “course.ctab.txt”

Prefix Course with College Code* – Normally you will enter an ‘N’, if your school has multiple college codes and you need them to distinguish which college the course is associated with then enter a ‘Y’.

Update Processing Type* – Options are ‘R’ Report only, ‘I’ Import only and ‘B’ Import and Report

Once you are satisfied with your entries you MUST choose ‘R’ Run Procedure. If you need assistance with this process please contact the TCS Service Center.

*** Important ***

If you are doing multiple imports throughout the term, after the first import, choose ‘R’ report ONLY to see any changes that need to be MANUALLY input in the adoption system.

Adopt GM Items

Adopting GM Items

Enter or Modify your adoption TX.1.1,  select the DEPT/CRS/SECT in Adoption Maintenance you wish to add your GM item (s) to.

At the bottom-line prompt select S2=Screen 2.

In the new S2=Screen, if your campus is using a specific CRN number that identifies the DEPT/COURSE/SECT . then you can enter that here, once entered you can enter the Campus Class#, preceded by a semi colon (;) in the Dept, Course or Section fields to look up the section (i.e. ;01234567). *Campus Class is not a required field not all users use this feature. You can navigate past this field by pressing enter or click on the SKU field.

In the SKU field, enter the SKU or you may do the normal GM item lookup to find the item. If you are selecting a Matrix GM item then select the Parent SKU, This way when its displays on the web the customer will see the Color and Size drop down selectors to choose from.

Enter the QTY that the student should purchase for the section and enter R/O to indicate if the item is Required or Optional.

Adding Fee(s) Adoptions

You can add POS Fee Code(s) the same way that you would add a sku in the S2=Screen 2. The fee will then be displayed along with the GM and Textbook information in the Adoption/Course search on your website.

You can also enter in Fee Code(s), this allows you to collect any additional fees that may be required for the course that has been set by the Instructor or Staff. *for details on setting up Fees Codes, reference POS Training

Example web cart

Resume Web Order

Resume Orders that have been placed will look the exact same as other Web Orders. *note you will have to verify the rental item and price when resuming the order. It is best that you have a copy of the order to verify the type or rental and length of rental.
Example Web Order Resume

Textbook Sales History

Added a SH=Sales History to the MF screen, when you select this, the users default store will be used, user can select a different store if more than one is available.

Link to Rental Screen from TX – MI

Added a RE=Rental to the MI screen in TX. This option will only display if there is an associated rental master record. When you view the RE=Rental screen it is passing the “Inquiry” through so you are still in Inquiry mode and will not be able to edit any information in the Rental Master record.

Print Pickslip

In POS.26.13 (Print Pickslips) the ‘Status’ has been modified to have a ?? button and a new option of O,E has been added that will print any un-printed orders regardless as to weather or not it has an ebook only.