Advanced Faculty Adoptions – Store Side


Faculty or department heads will login to the bookstore’s online faculty adoption website and submit the course requests or adoptions. These requests will be reviewed by the Department approvers and/or the Bookstore where the adoptions will be accepted/denied. Once they are accepted the TCS Textbook adoption system will be updated with the requests automatically. If they are denied the faculty will have the opportunity to modify the adoption and resubmit them for department/bookstore approval.

Required/Optional Flags

Adoption book flag- (TX SU-3-25)

Adoption Book Flag: Here you will put the code you want to use for the flag. Examples include

R – Required
O – Optional

Description: Enter the description for the flag here. Examples include


Required: This flag says if the book is required or not. Examples are

Y – Yes
N – No

Include on web: This allows you to show this flag on the Adoptions page.
Note: This flag does not affect adoption entry in the back office.

Blank – Display on Web
Y – Display on Web
N – Not Displayed on Web

Store Setup

Set Term and Store Notification emails – (POS 26.4.1)

Input your store number.

Choose ‘FA’ for Faculty Adoptions from the bottom options (the options on the first screen are not changed for faculty adoptions).

Ensure the Term is setup correctly for the active adoption term. Input the terms that are available for the faculty to submit adoptions. If a term is no longer needed, choose the line of the term and press the space bar and then press enter to remove the term.

Store Notification Email(s): Once the faculty/department has approved the adoption the bookstore will receive an email. Input the email address for the personnel to receive the notification emails where an adoption has been approved and is ready for the bookstore to process, enter one address per line.

Number of History Links to Show: This is how many terms to show the faculty when they are searching previous adoptions. If it’s blank it will default to 12 terms.

Faculty Setup

Online Faculty Adoption Structure

The store must determine how the faculty adoptions will be entered into the system. A couple of questions need to be answered:

  1. Will the faculty/instructors be entering their own adoptions?
  2. Will the departments be required to approve the adoptions once the faculty/instructors have submitted their requests?

If the instructors will be allowed to enter their own adoptions through the online adoption system, then all email addresses MUST be attached to the department/course/sections they are teaching. This can be done with a course import from the administration (TX 1.23.1) OR this can be done manually by the bookstore as they are entering in the department/course/section/instructor information (TX 1.1).

Each faculty/instructor staff member will need to have an account setup in the adoption system. If a file is being imported with the email addresses from an administrative import, follow the next steps, otherwise, the bookstore will need to manually input the email addresses as they are entering the adoptions (TX 1.1) and then run the Update Pref Customer from Adoptions process (TX.1.23.22).

Import Adoption Headers – (TX 1.23.1)

You must have a file from your administration to proceed with this import. If not, please proceed to the next section. For more information on this import process, please contact the TCS Service Center.

Enter the Adoption term you will be importing. – The term will already have to exist in Term Maintenance (TX.SU.1.2.1).

Enter the path of file to import * – The name of the file must be “Adpt-Imp.txt” or “course.asc” for the Budgetext format. Please ensure that the path exists and the file is named correctly for the import to be successful.

Add Non-existing Departments and Courses * – Enter a ‘Y’ if you wish the program to automatically add Departments and Courses that are not currently on file, but are contained within the import file. If you enter ‘N’, then the program will warn you each time it finds a Department or Course that is not on file and will not add the adoption record.

Convert spaces in key fields to: Spaces are not allowed in the key fields of a store, term, department, course and/or section number. If your import file contains spaces enter the character you would like it converted to. If you leave it blank the spaces will be stripped out. Asterisks (*) are not allowed.

Create eCommerce records for faculty* – Enter a ‘Y’ so the system will automatically create the eCommerce records (Pref Customer record) so faculty can log into the faculty adoptions.

Update Processing Type* – Options are ‘R’ Report only, ‘I’ Import only and ‘B’ Import and Report

Once you are satisfied with your entries you MUST choose ‘R’ Run Procedure. If you need assistance with this process please contact the TCS Service Center.

*** Important ***

If you are doing multiple imports throughout the term, after the first import, choose ‘R’ report ONLY to see any changes that need to be MANUALLY input in the adoption system.

If department personnel are required to approve the submitted adoptions by the faculty, then their emails MUST be setup in the department/classes section (TX SU 1.6.2) Screen 1.

(Screen 1)

If more than one person in the department is allowed to input adoptions then email address of the additional personnel must be entered in the next screen. Once the department personnel email address has been entered into the department maintenance (Screen 1) press enter until the options at the bottom of the screen are displayed. Press the ‘A’ for adoptions and the screen will change to allow for entry of ‘Submittal Emails’ for additional Update and Submit personnel. They will be allowed to update and submit the adoptions submitted by the faculty staff for this department.

If the adoption policies requires an ‘Approver’ that person’s email address must be entered into the ‘Approval Emails’ section. They will be allowed to update and approve the adoptions submitted by the faculty staff for this department.

Approval Level Required for Completion:

  1. Will the faculty/instructors be entering their own adoptions?
  2. Will the departments be required to approve the adoptions once the faculty/instructors have submitted their requests?

If you answered question 1 – YES – and question 2 – YES, then the approval level required for completion needs to be set to 1.

If you answered question 1 – YES – and question 2 – NO, then the approval level required for completion needs to be set to 0 (zero).

Update Pref Customer from Adoptions Process – (TX 1-23-22)

If the bookstore manually enters the faculty/instructors email addresses when building the adoptions (TX 1.1) then the preferred customer file must be created so the faculty can log into the online adoption website. Any department emails that are entered (previous section) will also be created by this process.

Enter the Store number.

Enter the active term for the online adoption period.

Optional – Enter a department or course to filter the update.

Change Adoption Instructor Info – (TX-1-23-23)

If the bookstore should need to change an email address, Name or Phone number for an instructor (i.e. Instructor get married/divorced or just wants to use a different email than the schools) you can make the change here and then run the process and that will change for all
courses the instructor is attached.

Enter Old Email
Enter New Email if it has changed.
Enter New Name if it has changed.
Enter New Phone # if it has changed.

Changing Customer/Faculty Account Type Flags – (POS 26.21)

Once a customer/faculty account has been created (steps above), they are automatically setup as an ‘F’ faculty member account status. This means they have the ability to input and/or approve adoptions. If you need to change their status at any time see the below steps.

POS 26.21 – Customer Maintenance

(Screen 2)

Name or ID: This will be the faculty/instructor’s email address.

Account Type: Options for the account type:

  • F = Faculty, this allows the account details, order history and the faculty buttons to be available online.
  • A = Administrator, this allows the account details, order history, faculty and administrator buttns to be available online. Should be reserved for bookstore staff only.
  • C or blank = Customer, this allows ONLY the account details and order history buttons to be buttons to be available online. Not to be used for faculty/instructors, this is for student customers only.

If you are setup as an administrator you can also change the account type for a customer online. Once logged in go to the Admin panel section, find the customer and change the account type.

TX 1.23.3 – Instructor Email List – OPTIONAL

This report is for those department/course/sections where an instructor email has been assigned to the section. The report can be generated to show the bookstore all the instructor email addresses that will be notified when running the email process.

TX.1-23-4 – Department Email List – OPTIONAL

This report will show the Department email addresses entered in to the primary contact field and the mail addresses for those entered in the Submittal- and Approval fields.

Notifying Faculty through Email – (TX 1.23.5)

When the bookstore is ready to open the Online Faculty Adoptions website the faculty/departments must be notified that the term is open.

TX 1.23.5 – Adoption Notification Email – (Screen 3) – This will send an email to either the instructor or departments (your choice). This notification is setup by the bookstore (subject/email body).

(Screen 3)

Term: Input the term for which the adoptions are active.

Notifications can be filtered to only be sent to a particular department or for a particular course. These are not required fields.

Email Department: If you ONLY want to send the email out to the department emails setup on the department/classes, enter a ‘Y’. This will NOT send out a notification to the faculty/instructors.

Reply To Email: Enter the email address that the faculty/instructors/departments should use to send inquiries back to the bookstore.

Subject: Enter the subject of the email.

Email Body: Enter the body of the email.

Send Test Email: Enter a ‘Y’ to ONLY send a test email to the email address entered in the ‘Reply to Address’.


Adoption Pending Approval – (TX-1-23-6) optional

This report will show all of the adoptions and the status of waiting for Department or Bookstore approval.

Enter Store #– required.

Enter Term – required.

Department – this will filter and only show the department selected.

Course – this will only show those with the selected course number.

Pending – this will show only those with the status entered. Options are ‘D’ for Department, ‘S’ for Store, ‘B’ for Both.

Adoptions with NO Text Assigned – (TX-1-23-7) optional

This report will give you a list of the courses that have been submitted by with ‘NO TEXTBOOKS REQURED’ submitted by the Instructor/Department.

STORE – required

TERM – required

Department – this will filter and only show the department selected.

Course – this will only show those with the selected course number.

Faculty Adoptions (TX-1-23-21) optional

This report will show all of the adoptions that have been submitted by the faculty.

Enter Store #– required.

Enter Term – required.

Department – this will filter and only show the department selected.

Course – this will only show those with the selected course number.


Store Approval of Submitted Adoptions – (TX 1.23.24)

Once the faculty/department has submitted an approved adoption the bookstore will receive an email notification. This should be a trigger for the bookstore to know that adoptions are pending their approval.

OPTIONAL: Report TX 1.23.6 – Adoption Pending Approval

This report can be run to see how many adoptions are pending approvals by the bookstore and/or the departments (if necessary). It is recommended to display to the screen/terminal for review.

Adopt from Pending – (TX 1.23.24)

Once the bookstore receives a notification that adoptions are pending approval, they must review and make any required changes to the adoption before the adoption will be added to the specified course. This step will allow the bookstore to cycle through all pending bookstore approval adoptions to view and update them into the TCS system.

(Screen 4)

Input the store and term to update the pending adoptions. You also have the ability to filter your selection by Department or Course. Run the Procedure. The system will show how many adoptions are pending, press continue.

(Screen 5)

The system will present the first approved adoption on the screen. If the faculty/instructor entered any comments, a window will display (Screen 5) with the comments. You have the option of Printing the comments, Canceling the acceptance or selecting OK to have the comments added to the “FacComments” field. These comments only for the bookstore personnel and will not display unless you add them to the “Web Comments” field or the “Shelf Tag Note” field.

(Screen 6)

Look for ANY ‘/’ slashes in the screen (Screen 6). These are the changes that were submitted by the faculty/instructor and will need to be updated by the bookstore. Update the record by removing the slashes and inputting the correct information in the field.

To help the bookstore with determining the quantity to cover (QTC), the ‘inq’ column is available so the bookstore can view historical information on this title. By putting a ‘Y’ in the ‘inq’ field, a screen will display with previous terms historical information and the bookstore can make a better determination on the quantity needed. The ‘EBB’ field is available for the bookstore to input estimated buyback figuresfor this title.

By clicking the ‘Save’ or pressing ‘ENTER’ the system will prompt with the fields that need to be updated and then exit the adoption screen. If you would like to proceed to the next pending record, press ‘N’ for next, this will save the currently displayed adoption and cycle the next pending adoption to the screen.

Be sure to SAVE the record or press ‘X’ to exit the record without saving your changes. By pressing ‘X’ or exit, the system will add the adoption back to the pending bookstore approval file for processing later.

Other options along the bottom of this screen allow the bookstore to navigate throughout the pending adoptions.

‘SP’ Skip to Previous – Allows the bookstore to bypass the currently displayed adoption and move to the previous adoption in the pending file.

‘SN’ Skip to Next – Allows the bookstore to skip to the next pending adoption and skip the currently displayed adoption.


POS Training

Screen Look and Feel

The cash register is the heart of the TCS system. It is used for sales, returns, buybacks, mail order transactions, and others.

From the Main Menu, select the Cash Register option to get to the Sales Entry screen (POS-1). Some logins can be designed to skip this step and automatically logon to the Cash Register.

The screen can be divided into three main parts; Upper, Main Sales Entry, and Tender / Totals.

Upper – The Upper portion of the Cash Register screen contains all the information about the transaction itself. The Sales Clerk field defaults to the individual logging onto the register. The Tran Type field determines the type of the transaction. The Tran Number field is a sequential counter for that specific register. The Store field defaults to the store number. The Date defaults to the current date. The Register number is a unique identifying number for that register. All of these components are vital in identifying each individual transaction, and are printed on the register receipt.

Main Sales Entry – This is where all of the individual items are entered into the register. Items can be scanned in using the register scanner or entered manually using the keyboard. Many of the programmable function keys of the keyboard will be used in this area.

Tender / Totals – This is where all your tenders will be entered. You will also see the sub-total, tax, and total amounts here.


  1. Use the ‘EXIT’ key to exit out of the Cash Register screen. You may exit out of and return to the cash register screen as many times as you wish. Exiting does not close out your register or zero out any totals. When you return to your register screen, you will be able to continue with your normal sequence of transactions.
  2. To get back to the Cash Register screen, follow the directions for ‘Logging On’.
  3. Make sure you use the EXIT key only while the cursor is at the ‘TRAN TYPE’ field. If you use the EXIT key while in the middle of a transaction, it will act like the ‘TRANSACTION ABORT’ key and will nullify any information you have entered during your present transaction. Transaction Types

The following are the commonly available transaction types with a brief description. Other transaction type may also be available. Special transaction types can be protected with a security level and/or either the user’s password or a special password.

For a complete list for your system, select the ?? Either at the register’s Tarn Type field or at Transaction Type Maintenance (POS-2-5).

Open – This is used to open the register. Until the register has been opened, no transactions can be run on the register.

SA – This is used for most Sale transactions. Since this is usually set as the default Tran Type there is no function key setup. At the end of each transaction, the cursor will default back to the Tran Type field. AR sales have their own sales Tran Type.

RT – This is used for most Return type transactions. To use this Tran Type, either type in the RT code or press the function key labeled Return. AR Returns have their own Tran Type.

AR – This is used for all Accounts Receivable / University Charge type transactions.

ARRT – This is used for Returns of Accounts Receivable / University Charge type transactions.

ROA – This is used for Accounts Receivable / University Charge payments made at the cash register (Received on Account).

BB – This is used in conjunction with our TEXT module. The Buy Back transaction type will assist you in buying back textbooks.

PV – This Post Void transaction will void out any previously completed transaction. Security restrictions can and should be placed on this tran type.

RR – This is used to reprint a Receipt.

NS – No Sale to open the cash drawer.

X – The X is used to get an ‘X-REPORT’. This is used when you are ready to count and reconcile your drawer. The x-report will give you all totals for sales and tenders since the last time your drawer was set back to ‘zero’ through a z-close. The x-report will not zero out any amounts.

CLOSE – The CLOSE key is used to do a ‘Z-CLOSE’ when you are ready to close out the register and do a final reconciliation of the drawer. The z-close will close out the register and zero out any totals. The z-close report will give you all the same information that the x-report does.

Tender Codes

The Tender Code determines whether the transaction will be processed by credit card, debit card, cash, check or by other means. The most common tenders are listed below with a brief description. All of these tenders have a function key assigned to them.

Multiple tenders can be used until the total amount of the amount due is paid.

CASH – Used in accepting cash as the method of payment.

CHECK – Used in accepting either a personal or business check as a method of payment.

CREDIT CARD – Used in accepting credit cards as the method of payment. The system can be setup to accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, Diners Club, as well as others.

DEBIT CARD – Used in accepting debit cards as the method of payment. Unless a “Debit Card” system has been setup at the University, this will usually not be an option. Visa type debit cards will normally be processed as a credit card unless a ‘pin’ number is required. Special setup is required to accept cards using a pin number.

GIFT CERTIFICATE – Used in accepting system-generated gift certificates as the method of payment.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE – Used in most cases of Accounts Receivable / University Charge type transactions.

Entering Transactions

From the Main Menu, select the Cash Register option to get to the Sales Entry screen (POS-1). Some logins can be designed to skip this step and automatically logon to the Cash Register.

  1. The Sales Clerk field is filled in automatically by the system with the name of the person currently logged in.
  2. In the Tran Type field, enter the transaction type that you would like to use. You can see a list of transaction types by selecting “??.” Each register can have a default transaction type set. (usually Sale) If you wish to close the register, enter the transaction type that is set up to close the register; if you wish to open it, enter the transaction type that is set up to do so. Upon first entering the register (anytime after the register has been closed), the transaction type of OPEN will automatically appear.
  3. The Tran Number field is automatically filled in with a sequential transaction number. The Store field is automatically filled in with the store number from the register parameters. The Date field is automatically filled in with the register date. The Register field is automatically filled in with the register number from the register parameters.
  4. In the Qty/Sku/Mod field, you can enter a SKU, an ISBN, a quantity, a merchandise class code, or a modifier. To change the quantity, enter the new quantity then press the Quantity key. The Qty field should change to reflect the new quantity. You can select a SKU or ISBN by entering the item name, title, or other cross-reference term.
  5. The Description field is filled in automatically. If the SKU or ISBN that you enter doesn’t have a price associated with it, you must fill in the Price field with the appropriate price. The Extended field is calculated by multiplying the value in the Price field with the value in the Qty field.
  6. To move from the item entry section of the cash register screen to the tender entry section, press the Total key. When the Total modifier has been entered, the Sub Total, Sales Tax, and TOTAL fields are automatically filled in.
  7. In the Modifier or Tender field, enter the tender amount followed by the tender code. For three dollars in cash, you would enter “3.00” and then press the key for the tender that you wish to use. You can also enter a modifier in this field to void an item or transaction, return to the item entry section, apply a discount to the transaction, and the like.
  8. Once you have entered enough tenders to meet or exceed the total amount due, the system will tell you the amount of change that should be given to the customer. It then gives you the option to continue or reprint the receipt. Once you press [ENTER] to continue, you will be returned to the Tran Type field to begin a new transaction.

Scanning Items

Scan in the item with the hand-held scanners. You may scan a manufacturer’s bar code, or a system generated bar code. To scan, press trigger on scanner while holding over bar code. Try not to move the scanner around too much while scanning for better scanning results.

Manually Entering Items


Enter in the item number. When you manually enter the number, the number must match exactly as it is in the Master File. The system will not accept only part of the number.

By Description

Enter in any part of the description of the item. The system will match exactly the description you tell it to. For example, if you type in “SHAM”, it will pick up ‘Shampoo’ as well as ‘Shamrock’, but will not pick up ‘Shmp’(as an abbreviation for Shampoo).

If a ‘List Box’ is displayed, you may scroll through the list until you find the item you are looking for. If you do not find the item, you may want to try under a different description. When you have located the item in a list box, choose the corresponding number to the left of the item.

Modifying Items / Transactions

Changing Quantities

Enter in the quantity amount of the item being purchased.

Press the ‘QUANTITY’ key to accept the amount entered.

Continue entering items or press Total to complete the transaction.

Applying Discounts

There are several different keys defined to apply a percentage discount or a dollar amount discount.

Changing Tax Status

Use the keys defined to modify the tax on an item or for the entire transaction.

Price Changing

Press the ‘PRICE CHANGE’ key if the price displayed is incorrect, or if there is a special sell price for the item.

Enter in the new price of the item as indicated by the prompt in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. When the new prompt displays, it will show as a markdown at the line item level, but will reflect the correct pricing at the sub-total line.

Complete the transaction as you would any other transaction.

The ‘PRICE CHANGE’ key will only work for the line item most recently entered. If you need to change the price of a line item other than the one that you have just entered, you will not be able to use this key.

Precautions should be used to password or set security levels on this key to prevent unauthorized use.

Canceling items

To cancel the last lined entered:

Press the ‘CANCEL LAST LINE’ key when you want to cancel the last line item entered in the sales entry screen.

Resume entering in items or press total to complete the transaction.

You may only cancel the last line item only once. Though you may use the ‘Cancel Last Line’ key multiple times throughout the transaction, you can only use it once per line.

To cancel any line:

Press the ‘CANCEL ANY LINE’ key.

Enter in the line number of the transaction you wish to cancel.

The ‘Cancel Any Line’ key may be used multiple times during any transaction.

Other Register Functions

Global Inquiry

Press the ‘ITEM INQUIRY’ key to look up an item.

Scan or manually enter in the item in question.

Press the enter key to exit out of the item.

Press the enter key to return to the Cash Register screen.

The item inquiry key can be used at any time while in the cash register screen. When you return to the cash register screen, you will return to the point you left. You may use the item inquiry key as many times during a transaction as you wish.

Gift Certificates

Purchasing a Gift Certificate:

  1. Press the ‘Gift Cert Purchase’ key.
  2. Enter in the information in the field on the display. (fields are optional except the value field – enter in the value of the gift cert) It is recommended that you fill in the “Purchased By” and “Purchased For” fields.
  3. As you fill in the amount of the gift certificate on the actual gift certificate, you must write down the voucher number on the gift certificate! The voucher number is automatically given to you when you press the ‘Purchase Gift Certificate’ key. The number is located towards the top left hand corner of the screen with the prompt of “Voucher Number:”
  4. After you have filled in all the necessary information for the gift certificate, and only after you have written the amount and voucher number on the gift certificate, press “Enter” to ‘Save’ the gift certificate to the system.
  5. Continue on with your transaction as you would any other transaction.


You may purchase multiple gift certificates per transaction (if they are buying 2 $20.00 gift certificates, you will be processing two different gift certificates in the system and they will have two separate ‘voucher numbers’.

Only sell a gift certificate during a “SALE” transaction since that is what you are doing – you are ‘selling’ an item to them.

Redeeming a Gift Certificate:

  1. After entering in the items the customer is purchasing and you have pressed the total key, press the “Gift Certificate” tender key.
  2. At the prompt “Enter Voucher Number”, enter in the voucher number written on the gift certificate.
  3. Validate the gift certificate through the receipt printer.
  4. Complete the transaction as you normally would.

Line Item Memo

After entering an item to purchase, you can press the “Memo” key to add a free form text message that pertains to that specific item. The text message is displayed with the previous item.

If you want the memo text printed on any receipts as well…

  1. Select each receipt header (POS-3-3)
  2. Select <R>=Receipt Detail
  3. Add a new line number under NewL
  4. Set how many spaces you want the memo text Indented.
  5. Set MEMO as the Attribute.
  6. Set Mask to L#nn, where nn plus the indented amount doesn’t exceed the number of spaces available on the receipt (typically 40).
  7. You can enter any Comments that you wish.


  1. You can suspend any SALE transaction as long as you have not placed a Tender (form of payment) towards the transaction.
    1. Process the Sale transaction as you would any other transaction.
    2. After all items have been entered into the register, press the Suspend key.
      1. The suspend key can be pressed while in either the sales entry screen or in the tender area.
    3. At the prompt Enter the customer’s name, enter the name of the customer for whom you are suspending the transaction.
      1. Once you enter the customer’s name and press the enter key. The system will move the transaction to a separate file and you will be returned to the Cash Register screen.
  2. To get a report on your suspended transactions;
    1. From the POS Master Menu, choose the RP option for the Report Menu.
    2. Next choose option number 6 for Miscellaneous Reports, then option number 5 for the Suspended Transaction Report.
  3. You can choose to print the report to your screen (terminal) or to the printer.


  1. To resume a suspended transaction, press the Resume key when the cursor is at the Tran Type field.
    1. Choose the transaction that you want to resume from the list of transactions.
  2. Complete the transaction as you would any other transaction.

Item Exchange

While in the Sales Entry’ screen, press “Enter” to accept the default tender of “SA” for a sale transaction.

  1. Enter items as you would a normal sale transaction.
  2. To enter a ‘return’ item:
    1. Press the “ITEM EXCHANGE” button
      1. (If you have more than one of the same item being returned, enter in the amount being returned then press the item exchange button — if two items are being returned, press “2” then “ITEM EXCHANGE”)
    2. Enter the item by scanning, manually entering the SKU number, or by description.
  3. When you are through entering in items being sold or returned, press the “TOTAL” key.
  4. Complete the transaction by entering the amount tendered

Store Credit

Issuing a Store Credit

  1. A store credit can be issued any time the balance owed (the total) is a negative balance (whether through a return or exchange). If you have a negative balance after you have pressed the ‘Total” key, press the “Store Credit” key.
  2. A small window will display where you must fill in the name, address, and phone. All the fields in the window are required fields. It is recommended that you enter their name, their ‘company’ or ‘squadron’ for the address, “WP” (for West Point) for City, ST Zip, and then a phone number (any phone number will do)
  3. Press “Enter” to save the store credit to the system.
  4. Make sure you give the customer the receipt. The receipt will have the voucher number on it, and they must provide the receipt in order to redeem their store credit.

Redeeming a Store Credit

  1. After entering in the items the customer is purchasing and pressing the total key, press the “Redeem Credit” key.
  2. At the prompt “Enter Voucher Number”, enter the voucher number that is on their original receipt.
  3. Complete the transaction as you normally would.

Aborting (Voiding) a Transaction

Press the ‘TRAN ABORT’ key when you want to cancel any transaction.

The Tran Abort key can be used any time during the transaction to cancel it out. A transaction is not completed until a Tender amount and Key have been entered. Once a Tender Key has been pressed you must complete the transaction you are on. You must then use the ‘Post Void’ key to cancel out the transaction.

Special Orders


Special Orders are used when an item that is not in stock is placed on order by a customer. The order can then be added to another PO going to the same vendor, or created specifically for that customer. When the order arrives, the customer will then be notified to pick up the item. The following document shows how Special Orders work with the TCS software.

Special Orders are used for items not in stock. Three major processes are involved: Placing the Special Order, Receiving the Special Order, and Picking up the Special Order by the customer.

Placing Special Orders

  1. In Cash Register Screen in POS, enter a regular Sale transaction type.
  2. Hit the Special Orders function key you have set up.
  3. Enter the information to go on the Special Order. If a deposit is entered, this amount will be added to the Balance Due.

Special Order Maintenance

  1. There are two ways to get to the Special Order Entry screen (POS-24-1). If you wish to enter a new special order, you must access the screen by selecting the Cash Register option from the Main Menu and then entering “SPO” as the transaction type. If you are going to modify an existing special order, you can access the screen from the Main Menu by selecting the Special Orders option followed by the Maintenance option.
  2. In the Special Order ID field, enter a period to assign the next available ID number to the new special order. If you are modifying an existing order, enter the ID number assigned to that order, the name of the customer, or enter “??” to see a list of existing orders.
  3. In the Customer Name field, enter the name of the customer who is placing the order. If the customer is representing an organization, enter the name of that organization in the Organization field.
  4. In the Primary Phone field, enter the primary phone number where the customer can be reached.
  5. In the Secondary Phone field, enter any other phone number where the customer might be reached.
  6. In the Address fields, enter the customer’s address.
  7. The Date of Request field is automatically filled in with the current date. If the customer requested the items earlier, you can modify it.
  8. In the Deposit Field, enter any deposit amount that the customer will pay on the items.
  9. You can enter up to three lines of notes in the Call Notes field.
  10. In the SKU field, enter the SKU of the item that is being ordered. The Description field is filled in automatically.
  11. In the QTY field, enter the quantity that the customer wishes to order.
  12. In the Special Instructions field, enter any special instructions on the handling of the item.
  13. If the customer picks up the items, enter the number of items picked up in the Picked Up field. The Date Picked Up field is automatically filled in with the current date, but it can be modified.
  14. Repeat steps 10 through 13 for each item you would like to order.
  15. Press [ENTER] twice to save the order.
  16. If you want to create Pending Orders for the items, enter “Y.” Otherwise, enter “N.”
  17. Optional Step: For GM or TRADE create a Pending Order. For Text items, add them to a Manual PO.
  18. Finish the Sales transaction.
  19. Print off a copy of the receipt for the customer and a copy for ordering personnel.
  20. Log into the module where the item exists (GM, TRADE or TEXT).
  21. Place the Order. (Cancel if you discover an order is not necessary).

Receiving Special Orders

  1. Enter a receiving log as normal.
  2. If there are any outstanding Special Orders in the master file, a comment will be automatically be added to each line item with special order quantities.
  3. Optional: Print special order tags to tag items with person’s
  4. Optional Step: For GM or TRADE name, phone, address, title, author, special order number, date. You must have a Special Order tag code setup (SPO tag type).
  5. Optional: Place special order tags on items.
  6. Notify customer that item has arrived.

Picking up Special Orders

  1. Customer picks up special order items.
  2. Customer takes items to the cashier.
  3. Do a regular Sale transaction.
  4. For the line items enter the Special Order Pickup Modifier. (To set this up go to Special Order Pickup Modifier.
  5. This will take you into Special Order maintenance. Put in the quantity being picked up.
  6. The program will automatically add these items to the current transaction.
  7. Total the transaction.
  8. At the tender code entry, if a deposit was made on the special order, enter the amount of the deposit. For the tender type use the Special Order tender. (To set this up go to Special Order Tender Key)).
  9. You will be prompted once more for the special order id, enter it.
  10. Use any other tender type to pay for the remaining portion of the sales transaction.

When all items are picked up, the special order will be flagged with a “P” status as “Picked up”.

Mail Orders & eCommerce also known as Web Order Processing

Fluency in basic POS functions is required. This document will not attempt to train basic POS functions, except as they will apply to MO and eCommerce

The primary difference between a Mail Order and an eCommerce order is that the eCommerce order is pre-loaded by the customer over the Internet and is stored in the Suspended Transactions File while awaiting store action.

From the POSiTrak Main Menu, choose 1 or MO or choose option 26 (and then 1). Some logins can be designed to skip this step and automatically log the user onto the Mail Order Menu.

The menu is divided into four parts; Order Entry & General Parameters, Maintenance & Inquiry, Reports, and Freight.

Sales are entered the same way that a regular walk-in customer is handled with only a few exceptions. The Sales Screen is divided into three parts.

  • The Upper portion of the Cash Register screen contains header information about the transaction. The Sales Clerk field defaults to the individual logging onto the register, the Tran Type field determines what type of transaction is being used and is either MO or MORT for Sales and Returns, the Tran Number field is a sequential counter for that specific register, the Store field defaults to the store number, the Date defaults to the current date, and the Register number is a unique identifying number for that register, Customer Name and Confirmation Number. All of these components are vital in identifying each individual transaction, and are printed on the Pick List and Invoice.
  • Main Sales Entry – This is where all of the individual items are entered into the register. Items can be scanned in using the register scanner or entered manually using the keyboard. Many of the programmable function keys of the keyboard will be used in this area. eCommerce and Suspended transactions will have this portion preloaded with the merchandise purchased.
  • Tender / Totals – This is where all your tenders will be entered. You will also see the sub-total, tax, and total amounts here.


Use the ‘EXIT’ key to exit out of the Cash Register screen.

You may exit out of and return to the cash register screen as many times as you wish. Exiting does not close out your register or zero out any totals. When you return to your register screen, you will be able to continue with your normal sequence of transactions.

To get back to the Cash Register screen, follow the directions for ‘Logging On’.

Make sure you use the EXIT key only while the cursor is at the ‘TRAN TYPE’ field. If you use the EXIT key while in the middle of a transaction, it will act like the ‘TRANSACTION ABORT’ key and will nullify any information you have entered during your present transaction.

If you do not have a preprogrammed keyboard you can type |Exit. (The “|” (pipe) symbol is usually above the enter key).

Transaction Types

The following are available transaction types with a brief description.


This will be used to Open the register. Until the register has been opened, no transactions can be run on the register.


This is used for most Sale transactions. Since this is usually set as the default Tran Type there is no function key setup. At the end of each transaction, the cursor will default back to the Tran Type field.


This is used for most Return type transactions. To use this Tran Type, either type in the MORT code or press the function key labeled MO Return. AR Returns will not use this Tran Type


The X is used to get an ‘X-REPORT’. This is used when you are ready to count and reconcile your drawer. The x-report will give you all totals for sales and tenders since the last time your drawer was set back to ‘zero’ through a z-close. The x-report will not zero out any amounts.


The CLOSE key is used to do a ‘Z-CLOSE’ when you are ready to close out the register and do a final reconciliation of the drawer. The z-close will close out the register and zero out any totals. The z-close report will give you all the same information that the x-report does.

Tender Codes

The Tender Code determines whether the transaction will be processed by credit card, debit card, cash, check or by other means. The most common tenders are listed below with a brief description. All of these tenders have a function key assigned to them.

Multiple tenders can be used until the total amount of the amount due is paid.


Used in accepting either a personal or business check as a method of payment.


Used in accepting credit cards as the method of payment. The system can be setup to accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, Diners Club, as well as others.


Used in accepting debit cards as the method of payment. Unless a “Debit Card” system has been setup at the University, this will usually not be an option. Visa type debit cards will normally be processed as a credit card unless a ‘pin’ number is required. Special setup is required to accept cards using a pin number.


Used in accepting system generated gift certificates as the method of payment.


Used in most cases of Accounts Receivable / University Charge type transactions.

Entering Transactions

From the POSiTrak Main Menu, select the Cash Register option to get to the POSiTrak Sales Entry screen (POS-01). Some logins can be designed to skip this step and automatically logon to the Cash Register.

The Sales Clerk field is filled in automatically by the system with the name of the employee currently logged in.

In the Tran Type field, enter the transaction type that you would like to use. You can see a list of transaction types by entering “??”. Many of the registers will be defaulted to a transaction type of Sale. If you wish to close the register, enter the transaction type that is set up to close the register; if you wish to open it, enter the transaction type that is set up to do so. Upon first entering the register (anytime after the register has been closed), the transaction type of OPEN will automatically appear.

The Tran Number field is automatically filled in with a sequential transaction number. The Store field is automatically filled in with the store number from the register parameters. The Date field is automatically filled in with the register date. The Register field is automatically filled in with the register number from the register parameters.

In the Qty/Sku/Mod field, you can enter a SKU, an ISBN, or a modifier. To change the quantity, enter the new quantity then press the Quantity key. The Qty field should change to reflect the new quantity. You can select a SKU or ISBN by entering the item name, title, or other cross-reference term.

The Description field is filled in automatically. If the SKU or ISBN that you enter doesn’t have a price associated with it, you must fill in the Price field with the appropriate price. The Extended field is calculated by multiplying the value in the Price field with the value in the Qty field.

To move from the item entry section of the cash register screen to the tender entry section, press the Total key. When the Total modifier has been entered, the Sub Total, Sales Tax, and TOTAL fields are automatically filled in.

In the Modifier or Tender field, enter the tender amount followed by the tender code. For three dollars in cash, you would enter “3.00” and then press the key for the tender that you wish to use. You can also enter a modifier in this field to void an item or transaction, return to the item entry section, apply a discount to the transaction, and the like.

Once you have entered enough tenders to meet or exceed the total amount due, the system will tell you the amount of change that should be given to the customer. It then gives you the option to continue or reprint the receipt. Once you press [ENTER] to continue, you will be returned to the Tran Type field to begin a new transaction.

Scanning Items

Scan in the item with the hand-held scanners. You may scan a manufacturer’s bar code, or a system generated bar code. To scan, press trigger on scanner while holding over bar code. Try not to move the scanner around too much while scanning for better scanning results.

Manually Entering Items


Enter in the item number. When you manually enter the number, the number must match exactly as it is in the Master File. The system will not accept only part of the number.

By Description

Enter in any part of the description of the item. The system will match exactly the description you tell it to. For example, if you type in “SHAM”, it will pick up ‘Shampoo’ as well as ‘Shamrock’, but will not pick up ‘Shmp’(as an abbreviation for Shampoo).

If a ‘List Box’ is displayed, you may scroll through the list until you find the item you are looking for. If you do not find the item, you may want to try under a different description. When you have located the item in a list box, choose the corresponding number to the left of the item.

Modifying Items / Transactions

Changing Quantities

Enter in the quantity amount of the item being purchased.

Press the ‘QUANTITY’ key to accept the amount entered.

Continue entering items or press Total to complete the transaction.

Applying Discounts

There are several different keys defined to apply a percentage discount or a dollar amount discount.

Changing Tax Status

Use the keys defined to modify the tax on an item or for the entire transaction.

Price Changing

Press the ‘PRICE CHANGE’ key if the price displayed is incorrect, or if there is a special sell price for the item.

Enter in the new price of the item as indicated by the prompt in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. When the new prompt displays, it will show as a markdown at the line item level, but will reflect the correct pricing at the sub-total line.

Complete the transaction as you would any other transaction.

The ‘PRICE CHANGE’ key will only work for the line item most recently entered. If you need to change the price of a line item other than the one that you have just entered, you will not be able to use this key.

Precautions should be used to password or set security levels on this key to prevent unauthorized use.

Canceling items

To cancel the last lined entered:

Press the ‘CANCEL LAST LINE’ key when you want to cancel the last line item entered in the sales entry screen.

Resume entering in items or press total to complete the transaction.

You may only cancel the last line item only once. Though you may use the ‘Cancel Last Line’ key multiple times throughout the transaction, you can only use it once per line.

To cancel any line:

Press the ‘CANCEL ANY LINE’ key.

Enter in the line number of the transaction you wish to cancel.

The ‘Cancel Any Line’ key may be used multiple times during any transaction.


(These options will also work for Mail Order transactions.)

Resuming online Financial Aid Transactions

Split Tenders FA Transactions.

PosConnect/AR Split Tender

See details here


Please contact support to setup AR or POSCONNCECT Split Tender options.

Web Customer View

The change that you will see on the web is, as a customer, they will shop as normal. When they select the option to go to the cart the first thing they see will be the cart details and asking if the will pay with Financial Aid.

If they select ‘No I will NOT use Financial Aid’ then they will continue as normal

If they select ‘Yes I’d like to use Financial Aid’ as seen below.

The customer will get presented with their address information to confirm/edit as needed and at the bottom of the screen they will need to enter in their student ID and then click on the ‘Show Shipping Options’.

Now they will select their Shipping option from the list setup by the store.

Enter in any Order Comments that are needed and then click/check the checkout policy box then ‘Proceed To Payment’.

The customer will then need to enter in their credit card information, this will only be used if they order items that are not covered by the amount or type of aid the customer has.

And finally, if the customer will see a message thanking them for their order and then receive an email with the order information confirming that the order has been received.

Processing a Web Order

Once you have received your online orders you will need to resume the transactions on the system to fulfill and complete the purchases. *note that the card used to purchase the items is not changed until the resume transaction has been complete at the store. Online orders and the credit cards used for them are only verified valid and are not charged until the online order is completed in the store.

Your register must be open for the day in order to complete web transactions. Referrer to the general cash register training for Opening your register.

  1. Select the Transaction type Resume, Tap or Click the touch button, keyboard key or simple type |RES to bring up a listing of all pending orders on the system.
  2. Select the order you are completing from the list of suspended transactions displayed.

3. Your order will be displayed on the screen with the items the customer purchased in their online order. Review the items and remove, add or adjust and verify the contents of the order. *note that freight will display on pickup orders as a $0.00 dollar amount.

* If you modify the Freight you must use the Frieght modify option. This will be setup when the webstore and registers for processing online orders were setup (MOF) **

*If you modify the any item in the webtransaction you must use modify buttons that were created during the setup procedures.(MOM)**

*(MOM) and (MOF) are specific modifiers for online orders. Don’t you keyboard shortcuts for modifying web orders. example |LIM (line item modify) this will not work on a web transactions. 

4. Totaling the online order will auto populate the tender code and transaction amount. You don’t need to do any modifications to the tender code unless the customer is using a different payment method than the one they used online to make the purchase.

  • Press enter through the tender field.

5. When the transaction is completed you will be prompted to proceed to the Next Transaction or to Reprint the current transaction.

  • At this stage in the order fulfillment an email will be sent to the customer notifying them that there order has been completed. *these email setting are setup during the initial setup of the webstore

Mail Order & Online Order with Returns and Transaction Match Tender


Original Transaction number, date and register. This can be in any form but all of the material is required to complete the return process.

  1. On your back office, web register or any machine that has been setup to process web transactions go into the Cash Register function and select MORT, select the mail order return button or key that is setup to perform a mail order transaction.



2. Input the customer ID or preform a search using the ;user’s name or portion of name.

  • You will be prompted for the customer name or ID that preformed the original transaction that you are wanting returning items against.

  • If you searched using the ; keyword search, select the appropriate customer to proceed to return items.
  • If you input the customer ID the search results should not display and the process should move you past the lookup and allow scanning items for the return.

5. Once you have selected or input the correct customer all you will need to do is scan or type in the items that were on the original order into the sku field.

  • Once you have scanned or entered the items that you wish to return on the order and select Total you will be prompted for any shipping charges that you wish you apply to the return.
  • You can select a specific amount or select from a shipping table that you have setup or simple exit past this prompt.

  • Once you have scanned all of the items to be returned on the online order you will just need to Total the transaction and review the transaction total.
  • The Tender and amount should auto populate based off of the original transaction.
  • You will press “Enter” to proceed to the step

*note the system will not allow the tendered amount to be greater than the original purchase amount for the order.

**do not change the default tender code unless you are giving back cash or store credit. The tender determines what the cashier is prompted for.

  • After you have accepted the tender and amount you will be prompted on how you would like to accept the payment return method.
    1. If the customer is present and has the credit card that they used to purchase the items you can have them swipe into your card reader their card when prompted.
    2. If you choose to refund to the original card that was used for the transaction you would select the “Match” option. You can use the “Match” option even if the customer is present with the original purchase card and the customer will not need to do anything.

*note that not all web registers are equipt with a card terminal.

  • Input the transaction information is the only way to match a transaction against the original transaction. All of the inputs must match exactly.
  • It is important to note that even though you can have multiple Stations or Registers preforming web order usually all web registers utilize the same web register number.


  • If the system matches the original transaction you will be prompted to verify the last 4 digits of the original transaction.

*note you can find the last 4 from the email confirmations or by reprinting the original receipt. If you do not have access to that information you may run several sales reports or lookup the transaction under the Mail order Customer Maintenance.

  • If the transaction matches and the tender total does not exceed the original purchase amount you will be displayed a message that the adjustment to the customer’s card has been made and the funds will be set to return to their card.

  • The last prompt you will receive once the return has been completed is to move onto the next transaction.
  • The system should print-off a return transactions receipt.

Suspending & Resuming orders from your Web register

  • Any time that you are in a weborder transactions you can EXIT or ABORT to suspend the transaction or delete the transaction.
  • When you have selected a way to exit out of the web transaction you will be prompted to “Keep” or “Delete” the transaction. When you select the default option to “Keep” the transaction is restored to its original state so you can access the order at another time.
  • You can also select the “Delete” option when exiting your transactions and all of the information will be removed from the system and you will no longer be able to process that order.

*note that if you modify the online web transaction that those modifications will need to be added back as the “Keep” option restores the transaction prior to any of the users changes.

Declined Online Orders

  • When you receive a declined response from the transaction when you try to process a web online order you will need to reach out to the customer to inform them that their card has been declined.
  • You can use the ABORT, EXIT or SUSPEND options to leave the transaction. Make sure that when prompted to “Keep” or “Delete” the transaction that you select the Keep option until the issue has been resolved.

*Please note that credit cards are not charged until the online order has been fulfilled at your web register.

Store processing of Split Tender

The order will come to the store as a suspended transaction, just like a normal CC transaction. The store personnel will be able to run the pick slip reports (POS.26.10 or 13) and pending order reports the same as they do regular web transactions.

Bring up the suspended transaction the same as other web transactions

Since this will be treated as a POS Connect or FA order, you will get prompted to look up the customer the same as your existing POSCONNECT/FA transaction (POS Connect is used in the example).

The Account ID will be brought in from the transaction where the customer entered it on the web site.

Select the fund source that you wish to use for this transaction

The transaction will load each item and validate the customer has the funds to cover each item that was ordered. If the customer goes over their limit or has purchased something that is not covered by their fund source then a message will display that the SubClass limit has been exceeded or that the limit has been reached. Click on the ‘Yes’ button to add the item to the cart and to proceed, if you select ‘No’ then the item will not be added to the cart.

Once all of the items have been added to the transaction, the transaction will show the Total amount and also the Original fund amount, Available funds and the cash due that will be placed on to the credit card when the transaction is finalized.

After selecting the ‘TOTAL’ button, the transaction will automatically enter the amount of funds to be used by the FA/POS Connect transaction tender, the cashier will just hit the ‘Enter’ key on the keyboard.

The transaction will then apply the financial aid funds to the customers fund source and report if there were any issues. Once the financial aid amount has been successfully applied then any additional amount will be applied to the credit card that was entered on the website.

Adding a Memo

Use the MEMO modifier to add a memo to a line.  If the memo is not for the current item that was entered/scanned then you can preface the command with the line number you want to add them memo to.  For example: to add a memo to the current line just press the MEMO key. If you want to add a memo to line 2 enter a 2 followed by the MEMO key.  If you don’t have a MEMO key then enter |MEMO (to add a memo to line 2 enter 2|MEMO).

Back Orders, Cancellations

To change the quantity of an item choose the MOModify key.  If you don’t have one you can type |MOM.  You will be prompted for the line number to modify – enter the line number.  You will then be able to: 1) Change the Quantity Shipped, Change the item from New to Used (or Used to New), and specify a Back Order quantity, and you can add a memo to the line.

Override Freight Amount

To change the freight amount choose the ModifyFreight key.  If you don’t have one you can type |MOF.  This will allow you to modify the freight from the list of your freight options, enter a specific amount, or select a specific freight table.

Printing a Picking List

To print a Pick List choose the PickList key.  If you don’t have one then  you can type |PICK.  This will print a pick list to use for gathering the merchandise.  It is best to EXIT the e-Commerce transaction afterwards.

Other Register Functions

Global Inquiry

Press the ‘ITEM INQUIRY’ key to look up an item.

Scan or manually enter in the item in question.

Press enter to exit out of the item.

Press enter to return to the Cash Register screen.

The item inquiry key can be used at any time while in the cash register screen. When you return to the cash register screen, you will return to the point from where you left from. You may use the item inquiry key as many times during a transaction as you wish.

Gift Certificates

Purchasing a Gift Certificate:

  1. Press the ‘Gift Cert Purchase’ key.
  2. In the window that displays, enter in the information you need. (all the fields are optional except the value field – enter in the value of the gift cert) (it is recommended that you fill in the “Purchased By” and “Purchased For” fields)
  3. When you fill in the amount of the gift certificate on the actual gift certificate, you must write down the voucher number on the gift certificate! The voucher number is automatically given to you when you press the ‘Purchase Gift Certificate’ key. The number is located towards the top left hand corner of your screen with the prompt of “Voucher Number:”
  4. After you have filled in all the necessary information for the gift certificate, and only after you have written the amount and voucher number on the gift certificate, press “Enter” to ‘Save’ the gift certificate to the system.
  5. Continue on with your transaction as you would any other transaction.


You may purchase multiple gift certificates per transaction (if they are buying 2 $20.00 gift certificates, you will be processing two different gift certificates in the system and they will have two separate ‘voucher numbers’.

Only sell a gift certificate during a “SALE” transaction since that is what you are doing – you are ‘selling’ an item to them.

Redeeming a Gift Certificate:

  1. After entering in the items the customer is purchasing and you have pressed the total key, press the “Gift Certificate” tender key.
  2. At the prompt “Enter Voucher Number”, enter in the voucher number written on the gift certificate.
  3. Validate the gift certificate through the receipt printer.
  4. Complete the transaction as you normally would.

Line Item Memo

After entering an item to purchase, you can press the “Memo” key to add a free form text message that pertains to that specific item. The text message will print on the receipt.


  1. You can suspend any SALE transaction as long as you have not placed a Tender (form of payment) towards the transaction.
    1. Process the Sale transaction as you would any other transaction.
    2. After all items have been entered into the register, press the Suspend key.
      1. The suspend key can be pressed while either in the sales entry screen or in the tender area.
    3. At the prompt Enter the customer’s name, enter the name of the customer for whom you are suspending the transaction for.
      1. Once you enter the customer’s name and press enter, the system will move the transaction to a separate file and you will be returned to the Cash Register screen.
  2. To get a report on your suspended transactions;
    1. From the POS Master Menu, choose the RP option for the Report Menu.
    2. Next choose option number 6 for Miscellaneous Reports, then option number 5 for the Suspended Transaction Report.
  3. You can choose to print the report to your screen (terminal) or to the printer.


  1. To resume a suspended transaction, press the Resume key when the cursor is at the Tran Type field.
  2. Choose the transaction that you want to resume from the list of transactions.
  3. Complete the transaction as you would any other transaction.

Item Exchange

  1. While in the ‘POSiTrak Sales Entry’ screen, press “Enter” to accept the default tender of “SA” for a sale transaction.
  2. Enter items as you would a normal sale transaction.
  3. To enter a ‘return’ item:
    1. Press the “ITEM EXCHANGE” button
      1. (if you have more than one of the same item being returned, enter in the amount being returned then press the item exchange button — if two items are being returned, press “2” then “ITEM EXCHANGE”)
    2. Enter the item by scanning, manually entering the SKU number, or by description.
  4. When you are through entering in items being sold or returned, press the “TOTAL” key.
  5. Complete the transaction by entering the amount tendered

Store Credit

Issuing a Store Credit

  1. A store credit can be issued any time the balance owed (the total) is a negative balance (whether through a return or exchange). If you have a negative balance after you have pressed the ‘Total” key, press the “Store Credit” key.
  2. A small window will display where you must fill in the name, address, and phone.
  3. All the fields in the window are required fields. It is recommended that you enter their name, their ‘company’ or ‘squadron’ for the address, “WP” (for West Point) for City, ST Zip, and then a phone number (any phone number will do)
  4. Press “Enter” to save the store credit to the system.
  5. Make sure you give the customer the receipt. The receipt will have the voucher number on it, and they must provide the receipt in order to redeem their store credit.

Redeeming a Store Credit

  1. After entering in the items the customer is purchasing and pressing the total key, press the “Redeem Credit” key.
  2. At the prompt “Enter Voucher Number”, enter the voucher number that is on their original receipt.
  3. Complete the transaction as you normally would.

Aborting (Voiding) a Transaction

Press the ‘TRAN ABORT’ key when you want to cancel any transaction.

The Tran Abort key can be used any time during the transaction to cancel it out. A transaction is not completed until a Tender amount and Key have been entered. Once a Tender Key has been pressed you must complete the transaction you are on. You must then use the ‘Post Void’ key to cancel out the transaction.

Special Orders


Special Orders are used when an item that is not in stock is placed on order by a customer. The order can then be added to another PO going to the same vendor, or created specifically for that customer. When the order arrives, the customer will then be notified to pick up the item. The following document shows how Special Orders work with the TCS Retail software.

Special Orders are used for items not in stock. Three major processes are involved: Placing the Special Order, Receiving the Special Order, and Picking up the Special Order by the customer.

Placing Special Orders

  1. In Cash Register Screen in POS, enter a regular Sale transaction type.
  2. Hit the Special Orders function key you have set up.
  3. Enter the information to go on the Special Order. If a deposit is entered, this amount will be added to the Balance Due.

Special Order Maintenance

There are two ways to get to the Special Order Entry screen (POS-24-1). If you wish to enter a new special order, you must access the screen by selecting the Cash Register option from the POSiTrak Main Menu and then entering “SPO” as the transaction type. For more information on the cash register, see page XYZ. If you are going to modify an existing special order, you can access the screen from the POSiTrak Main Menu by selecting the Special Orders option followed by the Maintenance option.

In the Special Order ID field, enter a period to assign the next available ID number to the new special order. If you are modifying an existing order, enter the ID number assigned to that order, the name of the customer, or enter “??” to see a list of existing orders.

In the Customer Name field, enter the name of the customer who is placing the order. If the customer is representing an organization, enter the name of that organization in the Organization field.

In the Primary Phone field, enter the primary phone number where the customer can be reached.

In the Secondary Phone field, enter any other phone number where the customer might be reached.

In the Address fields, enter the customer’s address.

The Date of Request field is automatically filled in with the current date. If the customer requested the items earlier, you can modify it.

In the Deposit Field, enter any deposit amount that the customer will pay on the items.

You can enter up to three lines of notes in the Call Notes field.

In the SKU field, enter the SKU of the item that is being ordered. The Description field is filled in automatically.

In the QTY field, enter the quantity that the customer wishes to order.

In the Special Instructions field, enter any special instructions on the handling of the item.

If the customer picks up the items, enter the number of items picked up in the Picked Up field. The Date Picked Up field is automatically filled in with the current date, but it can be modified.

Repeat steps 10 through 13 for each item you would like to order.

Press [ENTER] twice to save the order.

If you want to create Pending Orders for the items, enter “Y.” Otherwise, enter “N.”

Optional Step:: For GM or TRADE create a Pending Order. For Text items, add them to a Manual PO.

Finish the Sales transaction.

Print off a copy of the receipt for the customer and a copy for ordering personnel.

Log to the module where the item exists (GM, TRADE or TEXT).

Place the Order. (Cancel if you discover an order is not necessary).

Receiving Special Orders

  1. Enter a receiving log as normal.
  2. If there are any outstanding Special Orders in the master file, a comment will be automatically be added to each line item with special order quantities.
  3. Optional: Print special order tags to tag items with person’s
  4. Optional Step: For GM or TRADE name, phone, address, title, author, special order number, date. You must have a Special Order tag code setup (SPO tag type).
  5. Optional: Place special order tags on items.
  6. Notify customer that item has arrived.

Picking up Special Orders

  1. Customer picks up special order items.
  2. Customer takes items to the cashier.
  3. Do a regular Sale transaction.
  4. For the line items enter the Special Order Pickup Modifier. (To set this up go to Special Order Pickup Modifier.
  5. This will take you into Special Order maintenance. Put in the quantity being picked up.
  6. The program will automatically add these items to the current transaction.
  7. Total the transaction.
  8. At the tender code entry, if a deposit was made on the special order, enter the amount of the deposit. For the tender type use the Special Order tender.
  9. You will be prompted once more for the special order id, enter it.
  10. Use any other tender type to pay for the remaining portion of the sales transaction. When all items are picked up, the special order will be flagged with a “P” status as “Picked up”.

Loyalty Rewards Setup

Our Loyalty Program is created to allow you the ability to track purchases of merchandise in specific inventory classes and then generate a voucher to be used for the purchase of in-store merchandise. You can also specify what type of merchandise can be purchased.

Sample Program

For every 10 general books purchased the customer’s account balance is increased by the average value of the 10 books purchased.

  1. A customer joins the club and is given a club card. This card is their member number and all purchases are accrued to that number. (A card is not required, you can use another identifier such as phone number, student id, state id, etc.) Balances are accrued in the Voucher file.
  2. Each time a qualified book is purchased the number of books purchased is incremented and the total dollar value is incremented. The value is added to the preferred customer account.
  3. When the level of 10 books is reached the average dollar value of the 10 books is calculated and the value is added to the customer’s voucher account.
  4. The customer is now free to use their voucher balance to pay for qualified purchases.

Setup Steps

  1. Create a Loyalty Code
  2. Create a Voucher Code
  3. Create a Tender Code (optional)
  4. Add the customer update program to all of your Sales transaction types that are valid for the rewards (e.g. SA, AR, FA)

Create a Loyalty Code

  1. Select menu path POS-22-26-21
  2. Create a new code. E.g. BC for Book Club.
    1. This code is used in the voucher screen as well.
  3. Set the parameters to meet your criteria:

  • Limit is the level at which an award is given. 10 indicates that when the person buys the 10th item, the award level will be calculated.

Create a Voucher Code

  1. When a customer hits their award level a voucher (using the customer number) is updated.
  2. Select menu path POS-22-25-21
  3. Be sure to use the same code for both Loyalty and Voucher.

Create a Tender Code

  1. Any voucher tender code can be used. If you already have a Gift Certificate tender then you may skip this step.
  2. Select menu path POS-2-4 and add a tender code with these parameters

Modify Sale Transactions

  1. Select menu path POS-2-5
  2. For each transaction type in the SA category
    1. Add PREF.CUST.UPDATE in either:
      1. Ending Subroutine
      2. Wrapup Subroutine
      3. After All Else Sub

Gift Receipt Setup

Setup Steps

  1. Create a Header.
  2. Create a Trailer.
  3. Assign the Header and Trailer to the Gift Receipt control record.
  4. Create a Modifier.
  5. Create a Transaction Type for Reprints.
  6. Assign a Function Key for Gift Receipts.
  7. Create a Header.
  8. Select menu path POS-03-03.
  9. Enter a new Header Code – something like GR for gift receipt.
  10. It is easiest to copy this from your primary receipt header.
  • Modify/create the heading and wording you want to appear on the gift receipt.

Create a Trailer

    1. Select menu path POS-03-04.
    2. Enter a new Trailer Code – something like GR for gift receipt.
      1. It is easiest to copy this from your primary receipt trailer.
    3. Leave the trailer message blank if you put specific terms in the heading.
    4. Be sure to leave the Detail Lines.

Assign Header and Trailer to Gift Receipt Control

Select menu path POS-03-05

Create a Modifier

  1. Select menu path POS-02-02
  2. Enter a new Modifier Code.
    1. It is easiest to copy this from the FEED modifier.
    2. Change the description.
    3. Change the Subroutine to call to POS.PRINT.GIFT.RECEIPT.

Set up a Reprint Gift Receipt Transaction Type

  1. Select menu path POS-02-05
  2. Enter a new Modifier Code.
    1. It is easiest to copy this from the RR (Reprint Receipt) transaction type.
    2. Change the description.
    3. Change the Beginning Subroutine to POS.REPRINT.GIFT.RECEIPT.

Assigning a Function Key

    1. Select menu path POS-03-2
    2. Find a free button that you can use.
    3. Enter |GR (pipe GR – if GR is the modifier you chose.)
    4. You can also set up a key for RGR (this has not pipe in front of it).

Printing a Gift Receipt

There are 4 possible ways to print a Gift Receipt.

1. “Reprint Gift Receipt” Transaction Type RGR.

2. If the Gift Receipt modifier function key is pressed in the Tran Type field then you can print gift receipts for the previous transaction.

3. If the Gift Receipt function key is pressed in the SKU or Tender fields then when the transaction is completed a gift receipt will print.

4. If the End of Sale prompt (defined in General Parameters) has a “<G>= Gift Receipt” prompt the cashier can enter a “G” at the end of the transaction to be prompted for the number of receipts to print. This can be changed in General Parameters. (POS-02-01, S2)

(Possible prompts include <>=transaction complete, <V>=Validate, <R>=Reprint, <G>=Gift receipt).

If the flag is set to prompt for the number of receipts then the following prompt will appear. Entering zero will result in no gift receipt being printed. Pressing the Enter key will cause one receipt to be printed.

Class Specific Exemptions

Scenario: Students at the university are tax exempt for food items but everyone else needs to be charged tax. The cashier does not wish to flag each individual line as tax exempt; this takes time and leaves more room for error. To simplify the transaction the cashier types in a modifier at the beginning of the transaction that will affect all items under a specific class to be sold as tax exempt. This applies only to transactions where the modifier is used.

To accomplish this two things need to be setup. A modifier needs to be created, and the class code needs to be changed so that all items of that class are sold as exempt when the modifier is implemented.

Create the Modifier

The modifier needs to be setup in POS-2-2, since this is a new modifier type in the code you would like to use and select “Add” on the window that pops up and fill in the fields according to the following screenshot. You update additional fields to fit your needs.

This is all that is necessary for the modifier. Please remember the modifier code as it is required when updating the class code.

Update the Class Code

To update the class code, go to POS-22-3-2 and enter the class you would like to update.

After the modifier has been entered and the changes saved all items under that class will ring up as tax exempt when the modifier is used at checkout. It’s recommended that users setup function keys to more easily use the new modifier.

POS Vouchers, Gift Certificate & Gift Card Setup, Issuing and Redemption

Voucher Requirements

There are two things that must be present in order to process a voucher or gift card as well as one optional item.

  • The actual voucher that tells the system what to do.
  • Tender codes that are to be used at the cash register. This includes codes that issue a voucher, or codes that accept a voucher as payment.
  • It is possible, but not necessary, to create a new receipt header or footer specific to vouchers. This enables you to place voucher terms and other information in the hands of the customer.

This guide will cover how to set up a voucher, create the tender codes and how to use them at the cash register.

Creating the Voucher

Vouchers are created in Voucher Parameters, POS-22-25-21.

  • Create a new Voucher Type for your voucher and give it a description. All vouchers should use POS.VOUCHER.ENTRY for their subroutine.
  • You can specify which printer to print the voucher from in the Receipt/Slip Printer field.
  • The header link tells the system which header to print on the voucher.
  • The process ID should be either VC.0 or MERCH
  • O should always be used for default status
  • You may enter a Default Amount if you would like, most locations will not use this.
  • Redeem Face Value Only requires the customer to either use the entire amount on the voucher or receive another voucher for the remaining balance.

Setup Tender Codes

To process and use a voucher at the register, tender codes need to be created. This is done in POS-02-04.

  • Create a new Tender code and Description to utilize vouchers at the cash register
  • Tender Categories should already be setup on your system. Choose the correct category for this tender code.
  • The remaining fields may be filled out according to your needs. POS.VOUCHER is to be used as the voucher code. Proceed to Screen 2 to set limitations on what cashiers may do with this tender code.

Screen 2 defines the limitations set on how much change a cashier can give to the customer.

Voucher Code is what defines if the tender code will issue a voucher, or accept one as payment.

  • Placing the voucher code into this field tells the system to issue a voucher
  • Leaving this field blank tells the system to accept the voucher as payment

Change Amount is the maximum amount of change allowed for that specified security level. If the cashier does not have the necessary security level a supervisor must approve the transaction.

Now that the voucher and tender code have been created they can be used at the cash register.

Using a Voucher

Issuing in-store credit

This scenario is for a customer returning items for in-store credit.

  • Open the transaction as a return
  • Enter the item being returned
  • Use the tender code created for issuing a gift card
  • Follow the on screen prompts to finalize the transaction

Manually Issuing a Voucher or Gift Certificate/Card

Menu Path: POS-22-25-1

Scan, Swipe or enter your Voucher number that you would like to create or modify.

  • Select the type of Voucher Type that you have already setup and would like to use for the record.
    • You can maintain and modify the Status of the voucher.
    • Update Contact information.
    • View transactions that have used the Voucher.

General Ledger Training

Initial Setup

Fiscal Periods

(GL-SU-1 also GL-24)
Fiscal periods define the ending date of an accounting period. The most current date is at the end of the list. All dates for at lease one fiscal year should be always beentered.

You can set all dates initially to the open status. They are closed automatically when the period is closed through the menus.

Generally there are 12 periods in a year. You should never need more because you can reopen and close a period multiple times.

Generlly there are 4 quarters in a year.

Account Status (GL-SU-21)

There are 3 account status codes.
A – Active (Open for posting and entry)
I – Inactive (Open for posting if already entered in a Journal Entry that is not
H – Header Used for Chart of Accounts report heading.

Account Category (GL-SU-22)

Set up as many account categories as you like.
These are generally such things as Assets, Liabilities, Sales Revenue, Sales
Expenses, etc.

Bank Codes (GL-SU-23)

Set up a bank code for each bank where you deposit or withdraw money.

Journal Codes (GL-SU-24)

Journal codes are used for classifying journal entries.
You should have the following codes and more if desired:

  • GJ – General Journal
  • POS – Sales Journal
  • AP – Accounts Payable Journal
  • AR – Accounts Receivable Journal

Account Master (GL-2)

Set up your chart of accounts. Use any formating structure you desire but be consistent. We find it best if you choose to use a fixed number of numbers for the accounts. This is not necessary as long as you remember that all sorting is done from the left (even though most people choose to use numbers). You can use letters if you want. You can also use periods or dashes if you desire.

One method to use is 6 numbers. Enter the headers first so that you have a feel for the accounts. One structure that you can use is:

10000 – Assets
13000 – Inventory
17000 – Other Assets
20000 – Current Liabilities
30000 – Capitol
40000 – Revenue
50000 – Cost of Goods Sold
60000 – Operating Expenses
80000 – Other Income

Account type is D for debit and C for credit. This is to identify the accounts normal balance.

Income Statement or Balance Sheet. Enter an I or B depending on the type of account.

All Income Statement type accounts need to have a Closing Account. This closing account is where the account balance is transferred to at the end of the year/beginning of a new year. Balance Sheet accounts do not get transferred.

Journal Entries

The journal entry process is the only process that updates the general ledger. From here you review, create, and post entries into the general ledger.

Regular Journal Entry

Enter a valid journal code – the default is GJ. Enter ?? for a list of journal codes.

Enter a journal number. The system will automatically assign a number if you enter a period.

Enter a type.

  • M – is for manual entry.
  • S – is for system generated entry (filled in automatically by A/P, POS, etc.)
  • R – is to reverse a previous entry.
  • B – is to create beginning balances.

Enter a valid accounting period.

Enter the date the entry is for.

Enter any comments. These will be seen on reports so be very descriptive.

Enter all of the account numbers, projects, references, debit amounts and credit amounts. Leave fields blank if there is not value for them.

Either save or post the entry when you are done. If debits don’t equal credits you cannot post the entry. You can save entries that are out of balance to be corrected and posted later.

Beginning Balance Journal Entry

Do everything like a regulary journal entry but use “B” for the type field. This will post to the beginning balance fields in the database.

Reverse a Journal Entry

Heaven forbid you might make a mistake!
Enter an “R” for type.
You will be prompted for the entry to reverse.
The entry will be something like GJ*1655. This is the journal code and asterisk and the journal number of the entry you want to reverse.
The debits and credits are displayed in the opposite way that they were entered.
Just press enter through every field and post it.

Disbursements (Checks)

If you are using TCS A/P then in the A/P module choose option 21 (end of period) and post your checks to G/L. This process updates the GL.CD file (CashDisbursements).

Enter/Modify Checks

Enter the check number and the bank that it is drawn on.
Enter the date, payee, amount, and any comments.
Enter the Account (G/L) distribution. It is not wise to enter the same account as the
bank that is drawn on, rather enter an account(s) for expenses, inventory, etc.

Cleared Check Entry

Enter the bank code that the checks are drawn on.
Enter the beginning check and ending check using your bank statement as a guide.
Any gaps on the bank statement should be a gap in your entry.
You can use the same check number for both beginning and ending check.

If you make a mistake you can use Cleared Check Reversal.
The input is identical to cleared check entry only when the record is updated the “clear bank” flag is set to indicate that the check has not cleared.

Outstanding Check List

Once you have entered the cleared check list you can run the outstanding check list report. This report is a list of all of your outstanding (uncashed) checks.

Miscellaneous Receipts

Use this option to enter receipts that were not taken at the cash register or though A/R.
Inputs are nearly identical to checks.

End of Period (Month or Year)

There are 4 things that happen here.

  1. Post Cash Disbursements (usually pushed here from A/P).
  2. Post Miscellaneous Receipts (manually entered in G/L).
  3. Close a Month (Months 1-11).
  4. Close a Year

(When we say month it is synonymous with fiscal period.)

Before you close a month be sure to print your income and balance sheets to make certain that there are no more journal entries to be made.

Post Cash Disbursements

Enter the bank code you are posting.
Enter the check date range to use for posting.
Enter the accounting period to use.
Indicate if you will be posting detail or summary. Most people post summary.
When you choose detail posting then if there were 1,000 checks to post there would be 1,000 line items on the journal entry.

Post Miscellaneous Receipts

Same criteria as Cash Disbursements

Close a Month

This process creates beginning balances for the next period. It updates year-to-date, quarter-to-date and project-to-date values for both financial activity and for budgets.

Store Transfers

Go to the Transfers Menu.

  • TX-22 for Text
  • GM-24 for GM

Both an Outbound Transfer and an Inbound Transfer must be done.

Outbound Transfers are created by the store sending items to another store. This decrements the inventory of the sending store (This does not increment inventory of receiving store.)

Inbound Transfers are created by the store receiving items from another store. This increments the inventory of the receiving store. (This does not decrement inventory of sending store.)

Transfers proceed as follows:

The sending store follows the steps for Outbound Transfers:

  1. Create New Outbound Transfer
  2. Print Pick/Pack Slip
  3. Pull Textbooks to be Shipped
  4. Complete Outbound Transfer

The store receiving the items follows the steps for Inbound Transfers:

  1. Create New Inbound Transfer
  2. Pull In Transfer Record
  3. Complete the Transfer

This document is split into sections for Outbound Transfers and Inbound Transfers.

Outbound Transfers

These steps are explained in detail:

Create Transfer

Choose menu option 1

Enter store number you are transferring to

  • Enter “.” in the Document field
  • Enter “L” in the Local/Remote field
  • Fill out the rest of the fields appropriately, entering each ISBN/SKU to be transferred in the ISBN/SKU field. Use the help messages to assist you.
  • Enter the quantity to be shipped in the SHQTY field
  • Now write down the document number (found in the Document field) and save the document

Print Pick/Pack Slip

In the Transfers menu choose Print Pick/Pack Slip Outbound, menu option 21

  • Leave Entry Date and Status Date fields blank
  • Enter the document number (that you wrote down) in the Document Number field
  • Hit “Y” to run report and choose a printer in Output Options

This will allow you to look over the list of textbooks that you entered into the transfer document. You can go back into Outbound Transfers and make modifications to the transfer if necessary.

Pull Items to be Shipped

Simply pull the items on the Pick/Pack Slip from the shelf and prepare them to be shipped.

Complete Outbound Transfer

Go back into Outbound Transfers, menu option 1 in the Transfers menu.

  • Enter the receiving store’s number in the To Store field
  • Enter the document number in the Document field
  • Hit “C” to complete the Transfer

This window appears:

Fill in the information as needed.

At this point the inventory will be decremented from the masterfile of the outbound store. Send the pack slip (step 3) with the inventory. When the other store receives the inventory, it must follow the steps for an inbound transfer.

Inbound Transfers

These steps are explained in detail:

Create New Inbound Transfer

Choose menu option 2 from the Transfers menu.

  • Enter Store numbers
  • Enter “.” in the Document field
  • Enter the rest of the fields appropriately

Pull in Transfer Record
After hitting Enter in the Entry Comments you will be asked:

Choose Yes

Now this window will come up:

  • Enter the document number on the packing slip that came with the inventory (created by the outbound transfer)
  • Hit “Y”

The ISBNs will come in automatically.

Enter the quantity you received for each item in the RCVQTY field

Complete the Transfer

You can hit “>” and then hit Enter to advance to the options at the bottom.

  • Hit “C” to complete

The Inbound Transfer is now finished and the inventory is updated.

Matrix Receiving

Matrix Receiving is essentially done the same way as receiving regular items. The Parent or Master SKU is what you will see in the line items of the main receiving screen. If you go to one of these Matrix Master SKUs and hit enter you will encounter an additional screen that is used for matrix members only.

Enter your receiving log as you normally would.

  • When you get to a SKU that is a Parent SKU for a matrix, hit enter.

You will be taken to a new screen that looks like this:

  • Enter unit of measure code in the UOM field, (EA is the default.)
  • Enter the quantity received in the RC QTY field.
  • The vendor list, sell price, and vendor cost will all be posted to the masterfile as they appear on this screen. Verify these to be correct.
  • Save this information by hitting enter.

Now you finish the receiving log as you normally would. If you need to go back into this matrix screen, you must select the Parent SKU again from the first screen and hit enter. You will be taken back into this screen to make any further modifications needed until you post the receiving log.