Enhanced Serial Number Maintenance

Enhanced Serial Number Maintenance

The serial number feature in TCS has been enhanced so that it now you will track the serial number from the point of receiving through the selling at the register. In the previous model you only entered the serial number at the register as a memo line item so that you can check the serial number if the item is returned.

Creating a serialized item

To create a serialized item, you will create the item in GM.MF the same as any other item and in the ‘Serialized:’ field you will enter a “Y”

Creating a PO

You will create a PO and add the item to the PO the same as any other item, serial numbers do not affect a PO since you only know what serial number is received at the point of receiving.

Receiving on a PO

You will receive the item the same as any other item, when the item is selected to be received a screen will display prompting you to enter or scan in the serial numbers that are received.

Enter the quantity that you are receiving.

Enter in the serial numbers that you are receiving.

If the number of serial numbers entered does not match the number of items marked to receive then a warning will display, you will have to modify either the number of items received or the number of serial numbers entered.

Complete the receiving as normal.

When you complete the receiving log and print the receiving document, the serial numbers will be listed under the item they are associated with.

View the Serial Numbers in inventory

To view the serial numbers that are inventory, go to GM.MF and select the SN=SN from the bottom.

You can edit the serial numbers from the GM.MF screen, if you do not wish someone to edit these then you should direct that person to use the GM.MI screen instead.

Selling a serialized item

You will need to scan, enter, lookup the item the same as any other item being sold, a screen will display to ‘D’ or Enter Serial Number.

  • You can scan the serial number that is sold
  • You can manually type in the serial number sold
  • You can enter the ‘D’ to display the serial numbers on hand and select the one that is sold

The serial number will print on the receipt below the sku, you will need to make sure that the receipt detail has a memo line beneath the sku/description line. The memo line does not print unless there is something in the memo filed.




To add or create a new vendor in the system is the same process for General Merchandise and Textbook. If you have the Accounts Payable module then you will also need to create the vendor there and link it to the vendor that you created in GM or TX, keep in mind that GM and TX share the vendor file so if you create it in one then it will be available in the other.

Log to either GM or TX and then select the VM – Vendor Maintenance option

  • Vendor ID: Enter a period ‘.’ To create a new vendor number or enter 3 or more letters in the vendor’s name or sort code to bring up an existing vendor.
  • Sort Code: Enter a code that will help you find or reference this vendor. This code is used in cross-references and for sorting in reports.
  • Type: Enter the Vendor type.  Options here are D=Distributor, M=Manufacturer, P=Publisher, V=Vendor, W=Wholesaler.  Publisher and Wholesaler are normally used in Textbook (TX), Manufacture and Vendor are normally used in General Merchandise (GM) and Distributor is used in both.
  • BIP Code: Used is TX and stands for Books In Print Code, Books In Print is not commonly used anymore.
  • WBG Code: Used in TX and stands for Wholesale Buying Guide, this indicates what wholesale guide code to associate with this vendor.
  • Alt Order Vndr: This is used to indicate if an alternate vendor should be used for this Vendor, this is normally used when one vendor buys another.
  • Alt Rtn Vndr: This is used to indicate if an alternate vendor should be used for this Vendor, this is normally used when one vendor buys another.
  • Name: The name of the Vendor as it will show on reports and POs and Returns.
  • Enter Address, City, State, and other information as it is available.
  • Prepaid: Enter a ‘Y’ here if this vendor must be prepaid.
  • SAN #: This is a textbook field and stands for Standard Address Number.
  • Last Update: This field is maintained by the system
  • Average Ship Days: Enter in the average number of days it takes for shipping.
  • Minimum Order Qty: Enter the minimum order quantity that this vendor requires to process/ship an order, this is usually a GM vendor field.
  • Minimum Order Amt: Enter the minimum order amount that this vendor requires to process/ship an order, this is usually a GM vendor field.
  • Default Ship Code: Enter in the default ship code that will be used when creating a po for this vendor.
  • Backorder Code: Enter the default backorder code to use when processing a receiving for this vendor.
  • List/Net: Enter either ‘L’ or ‘N’ to set the default pricing type to use when creating a PO for this vendor. L=List pricing and N=Net pricing, List pricing usually includes a discount off of the List and Net is direct price of the item.
  • Store/Name/Account Number Enter in the store number and Account Number associated with that store
  • EDI/Wantlist/etc. This is used in TX for the electronic wantlisting.
  • Comments: Enter a ‘Y’ and then enter any comments that you would like to have associated with this vendor.

Next you should enter in the additional ordering information and the returns information.

Additional Ordering

To enter in the additional ordering information, select the ‘A=Additional Ordering’. The information on this page is used with the Accounts Payable (AP) module

  • Account Number: Enter in the Primary Account number
  • Payment Terms: Enter the default payment terms, normally net30
  • Delayed Billing Days: Enter if there is a default billing days for this vendor.
  • Discount Code: Enter a discount code to use for this vendor.
  • Discount Flag: Enter a discount flag to use for this vendor.
  • Discount Break Point: Enter a discount break point for this vendor.
  • Discount Value: Enter a discount value to use for this vendor.
  • A/P Vendor # Enter in the A/P vendor to associate this vendor to. If this is left blank and you have the AP module then the invoices will be associated with the AP Vendor 99999. You will need to navigate to the AP module and create the appropriate vendor there and then enter that vendor number here.


  • Name/Address Enter the Return address information for this Vendor
  • Contact/Phone/Fax#: Enter in the contact information for the Return information.
  • Allow Returns* Enter ‘Y’ if vendor allows returns or ‘N’ if they do not allow returns, this will affect the returns processing in TX.
  • Permission Required* Enter ‘Y’ if permission is required for returns or ‘N’ if no permission is required. This does affect the returns processing in TX.
  • Min/Max Months for Returns: Enter in the minimum and maximum number of months allowed for returns, maximum returns is required for the TX auto return process to work.
  • Return Penalty Amount: Enter in any penalty amount vendor will apply to returns.
  • Return Penalty Percent: Enter in any penalty percentage a vendor will apply to returns.
  • Invoice Copy Required:                 Enter in the number of invoices the vendor requires for each return.
  • Vendor Invoice Maximum: Enter the maximum dollar amount a vendor will allow you to return.
  • Percent Invoice Maximum: Enter the maximum invoice percentage that the vendor will allow to return.
  • Return Comments… Enter in any default return comments, these will print on every return created to this vendor unless overridden on the return.
  • Shipping Instructions…. Enter in any default shipping instructions that you would like to print on every PO.


Create the vendor in AP

Log to the AP module and select VM=Vendor Maintenance from the main screen.

  • Vendor ID:                 Enter a period ‘.’ to create a new vendor or enter 3 or more letters in the vendor’s name to edit an existing vendor. This vendor number will be used in the GM/TX vendor record in the ‘Additional Ordering’ information screen.
  • Sort Code:                 Enter 3 or more letters to use as a sort code for the vendor.
  • Name/Address/Contact Enter the vendor’s name, address, phone, contact information.
  • Status:                 This should normally be ‘A’
  • Terms:                 This is normally N30 but can be any payment term that you have created. You can use the ?? button to select from the available terms or from the selection screen you can select the ‘Maint’ button to jump to the terms maintenance screen and create a new one if needed.
  • Check Limit:                 Enter a check limit amount for this vendor or leave blank for normal
  • Hold Checks til:                 Enter a date if you wish to hold checks until a certain date.
  • Last Check Date: This is maintained by the system and will list that last date a check was created.
  • TL VAR:                 Enter ‘Y’ if this is a TotaLink VAR, enter ‘YN’ if no checks should print.
  • Account Num:                 Enter in the account number.
  • G/L Account: Enter the GL account number that this should be associated with.
  • 1099 Code: Enter any 1099 codes for this vendor
  • Priority: This will default to 90.
  • 1099 Amount: Enter any 1099 information.
  • Default Invoice Description: Enter any default description that you would like to display.
  • Miscellaneous Enter any miscellaneous information that you would like for this vendor.


Update Item Costs To All Stores

  • In GM Master File (MF) maintenance, bring up an item.
  • On the bottom options row, select the ‘UP=UpPrices’ button to update the cost, for the item displayed, from Store 1 to all other stores. The update will only update from store 1 to other stores. When you select the option, the process will run without any further input from the user.

General Merchandise Training



GM/Trade refers to the General Merchandise and Trade Books components of the TCS system. Since most of their functions are similar, they are combined here. All merchandise items are maintained in a master file (MF), referenced by SKU/ISBN. SKUs may be added or deleted as required. Synonyms allow one item to be referenced by more than one SKU. The module handles Purchase Orders, Receiving, Returns, and Physical Inventory. A perpetual inventory is maintained; each receiving adds to the inventory, each sale subtracts from it. You can print bar-coded labels for the merchandise and print various reports.


Master File


Creating a New MF Item


  • At the ‘Enter your user id:’ prompt, type “GM” to log onto the General Merchandise account.
  • From the GM master menu, type in “MF” for ‘Master File Maint”.
  • At the ‘SKU:’ prompt, there are three (3) different ways of adding a new item (or assigning it a SKU number). Either way is acceptable.
    1. Let the system automatically assign a SKU number
      1. To let the system automatically assign a SKU number, enter a ‘period’ “.” and the system will assign the item the next sequential SKU number in the system.
      2. After entering a period “.”, your next prompt will be the ‘Description:’ field.
    2. To enter in your own SKU number
      1. Enter in the SKU number you have listed for this item.
      2. After entering your own SKU number, you will be presented with the prompt “Item not on file, Do you wish to add or copy? [A]=Add, [C]=Copy, [X]=Cancel”
        • Choose “A” to add the item
        • Note: You will only be presented with the ‘Item not on file’ prompt if the SKU number is not found in the system. If there is already an existing SKU number, the item that has that SKU number will be displayed. You will then either need to delete the old item, or assign the new item a different SKU number.
      3. Scan the manufacturer bar code to create the SKU number (if you have a scanner available at the workstation that you are at)
        1. Scan in the manufacturer bar code using the scanner.
        2. After scanning in the manufacturer bar code, you will be presented with the prompt “Item not on file, Do you wish to add or copy? [A]=Add, [C]=Copy, [X]=Cancel”
          • Choose “A” to add the item
          • Note: You will only be presented with the ‘Item not on file’ prompt if the SKU number is not found in the system. If there is already an existing SKU number, the item that has that SKU number will be displayed. You will then either need to delete the old item, or assign the new item a different SKU number.
  • Enter the description of the item at the ‘Description:’ prompt.
    1. a) Make sure you use ‘meaningful’ descriptions, and try not to abbreviate. Most descriptions can be accomplished using 25 characters or less (including spaces), but you may use as many as 45 characters.
    2. Make sure you are consistent in describing like items. This field is a ‘cross-reference’ field, which means, you are able to do a search on various items by simply typing in a description of an item. For example:
      1. PEN will pick up PENcil, PEN, PENtal, PENdaflex
      2. CAN will pick up CANdy, CANvas, CANdle, CANary, CAN
  • Enter the Vendor Number for the Manufacturer in the ‘Manufacturer:’ field.
    1. Presently, Manufacturer and Vendor are the same thing unless you have created Manufacturers in your Vendor Maintenance as well. In that case, enter in an appropriate Manufacturer number.
    2. You may also enter in a short description of the Vendor/Manufacturer such as “SUP” for ‘Supplies are Us’. Keep in mind that you will also pick up any other vendors having ‘SUP’ in their name.
  • The ‘Style:’, ‘Color:’, and ‘Size:’ fields are optional fields.
  • The ‘Status Code:’ field automatically defaults to “A” for Active.
  • The ‘Date:’ field will automatically default to the current date.
  • You must enter a valid Class Code in the ‘Class Code:’ field.
    1. You may enter a “??” or “//” to display a list box of valid class codes.
  • Enter the Selling Price of the item in the ‘Sell Price:’ field.
    1. Entering “500” will be taken as $5.00. Only entering “5” will be taken as $0.05.
  • The ‘UOM:’ field (Unit of Measurement) will normally default to “EA” for each.
  • The ‘Price Code:’ field is optional and is used in special sale circumstances.
  • The ‘Promo Price:’ field will default to “N” for No. Accept this default.
    1. This field is used in special sale circumstances.
  • Enter “Y” in the ‘Print Label?:’ field.
  • Enter the type of Bar Code Label Code you would normally use to print bar codes for this item in the ‘Label Code:’ field.
  • Enter “Y” or “N” if the item is taxable or not in the ‘Taxable:’ field.
  • Enter “Y” or “N” if the item is allowed to be discounted or not in the ‘Discountable:’ field.
  • You must enter a valid Vendor for this item in the ‘Vendor’ field.
    1. You may do a “??” or “//” to display a list box of valid vendors, or you may enter in a brief description of a valid vendor such as “SUP” for ‘Supplies are Us’.
  • The next two fields “Catalog #’ and ‘Barcode’ are both optional and can be left blank.
  • You are required to enter in a Vendor List price in the ‘Vndr List’ field. Typically, the ‘Vendor List’ and ‘Sell Price’ are the same prices.
  • Enter “EA” in the ‘UOM’ field (Unit of Measurement)
  • Enter in the Vendor Cost in the ‘Vndr Cost’ field.
    1. The Vendor Cost is what you pay for the item – not what you will sell it for.
  • The ‘UOM’ field under vendor cost automatically defaults to ‘EA’.
  • The ‘Min Order’ field defaults to “1” and can be left at that number.
  • If you are able to receive this item from multiple vendors, enter in the second vendor on line 2, and repeat steps 18-24.
  • Keep pressing the ‘Enter’ key until you come to another screen (the rest of the fields in the first screen are optional).
  • All the fields in this second screen are optional as well, so you can press ‘Enter’ until you see the ‘Options’ at the bottom of your screen.
  • Press ‘Enter’ to accept the default of ‘Save’ (< >=Save).



Every item you will use in the system must be set up in this manner. In some of the processes that you will encounter, you will be asked if you would like to create a new item. Regardless of where you are at in the system and whatever process you are in that is asking you if you want to create a new item, you will go through the steps listed above in creating that new item.




Sometimes it’s necessary to refer to the same item by more than one SKU. This is readily done by making the second (third, fourth, etc.) SKU a synonym, pointing to the original SKU. Go to Synonym Maintenance (GM-SU-01-21) and enter the new SKU as the Synonym ID. Then enter the name of the existing SKU; it’s description will be displayed. Press Enter to save the synonym. When either value is entered as a SKU, the original record will be accessed.


To subsequently delete the synonym, go to Synonym Maintenance, enter the synonym and enter ‘D’ for delete.




Promo Pricing


Special pricing can be applied in a 2 for 1 type of setting or a flat promo price. Each type of pricing can be applied over a range of dates or indefinitely.


Price Tables


Price tables are built in GM-SU-3-22 and are the only method for setting up 2 for 1 type discounts.

The following example will cover how to create a 2 for 1 discount that resets on the last quantity.

  1. Create a new table or pull up an existing one.
  2. Make sure the description is acceptable
  3. Use “M” to modify
    1. Qty1 is the original sale price of the item
    2. Qty2 is the price to be charged for the second item. The two prices added together should equal the desired discount price. In this example .59 + .41 = $1.00
  4. Enter an A to add or an R to reset
    1. An A will continue pricing additional quantities of the item at the same price as the final Qty in the table. I.e. a 3rd item sold will ring up for .41 since .41 was the last price entered
    2. An R will reset the pricing of subsequent items to the top of the table. A 3rd item will sell for .59; a 4th will sell for .41.
  5. Save the table, remember the table’s name for setting up the MF record.




Purchase Orders


Creating Pending Orders

Creating Pending Orders involves two steps, creating your pending orders, and then creating the purchase orders from pending. The purpose of Pending Orders is to group the items together that are going to the same vendor and putting them onto the same PO, This makes the process simpler for the vendor and yourself. Let’s get started with creating our pending orders.


  1. At the Enter your user id: prompt, enter ‘GM’ to log onto the General Merchandise Account.
  2. When you arrive at the GM main menu, Enter in a ‘1’ to take you to the Purchasing Menu.
  3. You are now at the main purchasing Menu, Choose option number ‘1’ to enter/modify pending orders.
  4. Next you will be prompted for a ID or Option To create a new one enter in a period and press enter.
  5. The next field you will be prompted for is the SKU number, enter in the sku of the item you want to place an order for and hit the enter key.
  6. Once you have hit enter it should automatically have filled in the Description, Manufacturer and Vendor Sometimes an item will have more than one particular vendor, if the one that was brought up is not the one you want to use, type in the correct vendor number and hit return.
  7. After you have verified the vendor is correct and you have to hit the enter key. The Store number, shipping code, and prices are automatically filled in. If all the rest of the information is correct, you will only need to change the quantity if it is greater than the default that is set to ‘1’.
  8. Once you have entered the amount you want ordered, you will be prompted for the UOM (Unit of Measure), Enter in the code for the ordering units here. These codes are set up using the following menu path: SU-Codes-Units of Measure.
  9. Enter through the rest of the fields until you come to the options at the bottom of the screen. You now have the Option either to save it by pressing the enter key, or cancel the pending order by pressing X.


You have now created a pending order for that item. Once you have gone through and created pending orders for all the items you need, it is time to create your purchase orders.


Creating Purchase Orders from Pending

  1. Once you are finished creating all your pending orders, it’s time to create

Purchase Orders. From the main purchasing menu, choose option ‘4’ Create

Purchase Orders (from pending) and enter.

  1. Enter in the specific vendor you want to create the purchase order for. Leave

vendor # blank to process pending orders for all vendors. If you only want to

process pending orders for specific vendors, enter the number or numbers

(separated by commas).

  1. Leave the release date field blank to process all pending orders regardless of

release date. If you specify a release date, all pending orders with a release date

equal to or earlier than that date will be processed.

  1. Enter ‘Y’ to include pending orders with no release date Enter ‘N’ to

exclude any pending orders without release dates assigned.

  1. Choose ‘Y’ to run procedure or ‘X’ to cancel.


You have now created a Purchase Order. After you have ran the procedure it should show you the First PO was #______ and the Last PO was #______. It should also send those numbers to the printer for you to keep as reference once you receive the items. Now that you have created a purchase order it is time to learn how to receive against a Purchase Order.


Creating Purchase Orders Manually

  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 1 for Purchasing.
  2. Next choose option 21 to Modify Purchase Orders.
    1. Even though the option here says to ‘Modify’, this is the option to create a manual purchase order.
  3. At the PO # prompt, enter a ‘.’ to get the next system assigned PO number.
    1. Throughout the system, entering a period (.) in a key field (the key is the unique identifier of the item that you are creating – whether you are creating a new PO, receiving log, SKU….) will let the system assign the number.
  4. A prompt will appear letting you know that the item you are creating is not on file. Choose the Add option to add the item.
  5. If you need to adhere to certain PO numbers, enter in your PO number in the Alternate #
    1. The number (either numeric or alpha/numeric) entered in the Alternate # field will print on the PO as the PO number. The system assigned number will also be printed on the PO as a reference number.
  6. The Order Date will default to the current date, but can be changed to the date of your choosing.
  7. Enter the Vendor you will be creating the purchase order for.
    1. You can choose the vendor by either entering the vendor number or by entering the vendor name.
      1. If you enter the vendor number, you must enter the entire number.
      2. If you enter the vendor name, you need to enter at least 3 letters of the vendor name.
        • American Vendors can be entered by full name, by Ame (or more letters), by Ven (or more letters), or by Ame Ven (or more letters).
        • Outstanding Office Supplies can be entered by full name, by Out (or more letters), by Off (or more letters), by Sup (or more letters), by Out Off (or more letters), by Off Sup (or more letters), by Out Sup (or more letters), or by Out Off Sup (or more letters).
          1. Note that the order of the words does not matter. Outstanding Office Supplies will be found if you enter Supplies Office, or Sup Outstand Off.
  1. Enter your store number in the Ship To
  2. Enter the preferred method of shipping in the Ship Via
    1. If you are unsure what to enter, you may choose from a list that will display by entering two question marks (??).
  3. Entering Comments is optional as well as the Must Ship By
  4. To start adding items to the PO, choose the Add option when prompted as the line number is displayed.
    1. Choosing the Add option will display another Order Entry
  5. Enter the SKU or Description of the item that you want to order.
    1. If you enter the SKU number, you must enter the entire SKU.
    2. If you enter by Description, you can enter part of the description as in the case of entering the vendor name.
  6. Enter the quantity you wish to order in the Order Qty
  7. The Vendor List, Selling Price, Discount %, and Cost fields will all default to the values assigned in the Master File for the item that you are ordering. You can change any of the values if you need to.
  8. Both the Order Comments and Rcvng Comments fields are optional.
  9. Choose the Save option to add the item to the PO.
  10. Continue choosing the Add option for as many items that you want to place on the PO.
  11. When you have completed entering the items for the PO, do not choose the Add option – instead, press the Enter key to continue.
  12. Choose the Save option to complete the Purchase Order process.
    1. Make sure you make note of the system assigned PO number for printing and receiving purposes.


Modifying Purchase Orders

  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 1 for Purchasing.
  2. Next choose option 21 to Modify Purchase Orders.
    1. Note, this is the same option used in creating Purchase Orders.
  3. Enter in the PO number of the PO you wish to modify.
  4. If you need to modify the Alternate #, Order Date, Vendor, Ship To, Ship Via, Comments or Must Ship By fields, use the modify option.
  5. If you need to Add new items or Change existing items, choose the Line Items option.
    1. To Add new items;
      1. Choose the Add option and add the new item using the same process as creating a purchase order.
    2. To Change existing items;
      1. Enter the line number of the item you wish to change and modify the item.
    3. When you have completed any modifications to the PO, choose the Save option to save and update the PO.


Printing Purchase Orders

  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 1 for Purchasing.
  2. Next choose option 22 to Reprint Purchase Orders.
  3. Since you can print more than one PO at the same time, enter the PO Number of the first PO you wish to print in the First Purchase Order #
    1. If you are only printing one PO, you must still enter the PO Number in the First Purchase Order #
    2. If you are printing more than one PO, the PO Number entered in the First Purchase Order # field must be sequentially lower than the next PO (keep the PO numbers in order).
  4. Enter the PO Number of the last PO you wish to print in the Last Purchase Order #.
    1. If you are only printing one PO, you must still enter the PO Number in the Last Purchase Order #
    2. If you are printing more than one PO, the PO Number entered in the Last Purchase Order # field must be the last PO sequentially of the group of PO’s you want to print.
  5. Enter the Printer Number you wish to print to in the Printer Assignment
    1. Each printer used to print through the system has been assigned a printer number. You must enter the printer number as Fx with x indicating the printer number.
      1. If printer number 2 was going to be used to print the PO, F2 would be entered in the Printer Assignment field.
    2. Choose the Y = Run Procedure option to print the PO.




  1. From the GM Master Menu, choose option 2 for Receiving.
  2. Next choose option 1 for Receiving Log.
  3. Since the Rcv Id is assigned by the system, enter a period (.) to get the next system assigned receiving ID number.
  4. A prompt will display if you are creating a new receiving log letting you know that the item is not on file. Choose the Add option.
  5. The Rcv Clerk field will default to the user that is signed on to that port, and the Rcv Date will default to the current date. Both may be modified if you wish.
  6. Enter the PO Number you wish to receive against in the PO Num field.
  7. a) The PO Number you will need to enter is located on the PO as either the Order Number or Reference #.
  8. i) Use the Order Number if you are using the system assigned PO Numbers to do all of your tracking for you.
  9. ii) Use the Reference # if you are using the Alternate # field when creating the PO. The Reference # will then be the system assigned PO Number.
  10. At the prompt “A new PO number will remove any existing Line Items”, choose the Accept PO Number option.
  11. Some of the fields will automatically fill in using information that is on the PO that you are receiving against. With the other fields (up to the Inv Total field), they are all optional fields and do not need to be filled in. Below are brief descriptions of the optional fields if you do want to fill them in.
  12. a) Comments – receiving log comments
  13. b) Shipped Via – the method of shipment
  14. c) Cond Code – what kind of condition did the shipment arrive to you in
  15. i) The condition codes are user defined codes and can be maintained at GM-SU-03-23
  16. d) Num Pallets – how many pallets were used for this shipment
  17. e) Num Cartons – how many cartons were in this shipment
  18. f) Inv Num – what is the invoice number for this shipment (Leave at NOINV if you do not have a number at this time.)
  19. g) Inv Date – the date of the invoice
  20. The Inv Total field is a required field and a figure needs to be entered.
  21. a) If you have the invoice, enter the amount of the invoice.
  22. b) If you do not have an invoice, you still need to enter an amount. Entering a zero (0) is a valid amount.
  23. Entering an amount in the Freight field is optional. If you have an invoice, enter the amount of freight if listed.
  24. You will be prompted with a message to Select a method for sorting the PO lines. It is strongly suggested to choose the PO line numbers option.
  25. a) Choosing the PO line numbers option will always keep your receiving log and purchase orders in the same order. This is extremely useful when receiving against multi-line PO’s.
  26. Depending on how your system is setup, you may or may not be prompted with the option to choose your method for entering received quantities.
  27. a) If you choose the Exception option, all of the order quantities of the items that are on the PO will be listed as the received quantities as well. This is useful when receiving an order that the majority of the items ordered are accounted for EXCEPT for a few items – thus the term Exception. You can still modify the received quantities regardless of what figures have been entered.
  28. b) If you choose the Manual option, you will need to go through each and every item listed on the Receiving Log and enter an amount – even if that amount is zero (0).
  29. With the cursor in the SKU field, press Enter to accept the SKU number.
  30. Enter the quantity received in the RQty field.
  31. You then have the opportunity to change any of the price and cost information. Making changes here will affect the master file if you choose to have your system automatically roll over receiving prices.
  32. a) To automatically roll receiving prices, see GM-UU-23-01-store number-screen 3.
  33. If you want to print tags for the items you are receiving, enter a Y in the Tags field.
  34. Continue through the rest of the receiving log until you are finished.
  35. The two main options at the bottom of the screen are S = Save, and P = Post & Save.
  36. a) The Save option will allow you to save the receiving log and gives you the opportunity to modify the receiving log at a later date (by entering the Receiving Log Id number instead of a period at the Rcv Id prompt). Using the Save option will not post the received items to the inventory.
  37. b) The Post & Save option will save the receiving log and post the received items to the inventory. Using the Post & Save option will not allow you to modify the receiving log at a later date.
  38. When choosing the Post & Save option, you may get a prompt letting you know that the Line item total + freight does not match the invoice total.
  39. a) If you did not have an invoice to enter an invoice total from, your figures will not match. Choose the Accept option in this case.
  40. b) If you entered an invoice total from an invoice, and the figures do not match, you may want to choose the Re-enter option and see if any of the line items had a price change.
  41. c) You may also choose to ignore the prompt and just choose the Accept




  1. Manual Chargeback or Pending Return
  2. a) It must first be decided whether to enter a chargeback or enter a suggested return.
  3. Chargeback
  4. a) Enter a chargeback if you know exactly what it is that you want to return.
  5. Suggested Returns
  6. a) This is to generate suggested returns or entering pending returns that can later be changed into a chargeback.
  7. Clear Suggested Returns
  8. a) Before you generate suggested returns, it is a good idea to run this procedure to clear out any suggested returns that may be lingering in the system.
  9. Create Suggested Returns
  10. a) This will create a number of pending returns with a status of ‘S’ for suggested. The initial selection is by the TR.MF or GM.MF file selecting with a quantity on hand greater than zero, checking also that purchase orders exist on file. The criteria on the returns are also different, than those in TEXT, in that the return is based on highest cost for the return with a secondary selection given based on the expiration date of the invoice.
  11. Sales Cutoff Date
  12. a) Anything that has not been sold since this date will be selected.
  13. Vendor Number
  14. a) You may limit this according to vendor.
  15. Expire Days
  16. a) To restrict it to items that will expire within a number of days, enter the number here. This is maintained in Vendor Maintenance (VM) with the vendor maximum months and the vendor minimum months.
  17. Enter Pending Return
  18. a) This allows you to enter the pending return yourself. It will remain as a pending return until made a chargeback or deleted.
  19. Modify Pending Returns
  20. a) You still may modify a pending return, before it becomes a chargeback.
  21. Change the Return Status to “Release”
  22. a) In order to change the pending return into a chargeback, you must first change the return status to release. This can be done individually, in Pending Return Maintenance, or you can change the status of the pending returns of a certain vendor all at once in Pend Returns Maint by Vendor.
  23. Create Chargeback
  24. Create from pending Returns
  25. a) This is a batch process that will consolidate all of the pending returns of a certain vendor and create a chargeback. The return status of the pending return must be ‘R’ for release.
  26. Manually Create a chargeback
  27. Select the option “CHARGEBACK MAINTENANCE”
  28. Make sure the correct Store # is selected.
  29. Enter a ‘.’ to create a new chargeback or to edit an existing chargeback, select the ‘??’ to select the chargeback you wish to edit.
  30. Enter the Vendor that the return is going to.
    1. Permission required information will only be prompted if the “Vendor” record is flagged that the vendor is permission required.
  31. Credit Memo #/Credit Date – Enter in the Credit Memo # if you have already received it, otherwise leave this blank and enter the information when it is received.
  32. AP Processed Date – This only needs to be entered if you are using the integrated AP module.
  33. Comments: – Enter any comments for this return.
  34. Enter “A” at the prompt to add an item to the return.
    1. SKU* – Enter the SKU or look up the item by description.
    2. Quantity* – Enter the Quantity that is to be returned.
    3. Reason* – Enter the “Reason Code” for the return or select the “??” and choose one. (You can select the “Maint” option from the bottom left of the pop up window to add additional reason codes.)
    4. Select the PO/INVOICE # from the displayed popup window. If blank then you will be able to manually enter the information.
      1. Our PO – Enter in the PO the item was ordered on.
      2. Vendor Inv # – Enter in the invoice the item was received on and that you are getting credit on.
  • Inv Date – The date of the Invoice
  1. Qty – Quantity return on this invoice. (You could have multiple lines of invoices if the total returned is greater than the quantity ordered on a single invoice).
  2. Retail – Should fill in automatically, this is what you are selling it for.
  3. Inv Cost – The cost on the invoice.
  • Extended – The Invoice cost extended out for the quantity.
  • Select Enter until back at the prompt to “A” to add additional items.
  1. Keeping selecting “A” until you have entered all items to include on this Chargeback, once done select “Enter” again to get to the bottom line prompt.
  2. =Save to save the document for later, L=LineItems to modify a line item, M=Modify to modify all/any information, F=Fees to add additional fees such as handling or shipping, P=Post & Print to post the chargeback to you inventory and print a copy. (Inventory will not get reduced until the Chargeback has been “Posted”.)



  1. Return Permission
  2. a) If the vendor requires permission to return something, you should now print the permission requests. Vendor maintenance is where it is specified whether a vendor requires permission.
  3. Inventory Adjusted
  4. a) To determine when the inventory will be adjusted, go to Returns Parameters (SU-2-6) and select ‘Consolidated’ or ‘Chargeback’. Consolidated will adjust the inventory when you create chargebacks from the pending returns. Chargeback will adjust the inventory when the chargebacks are printed.




Performing a Physical Inventory



Physical inventory consists of initializing the master file, recording quantities on hand (QOH) onto worksheets, checking the worksheets, and posting the counts to the master file.


Initializing the master file clears out any old worksheets and saves the current QOH values. Counts can be recorded on the worksheets manually or through a programmable scanner. Various reports are available to help check the worksheets. Posting updates the master file QOH counts.


Posting assumes the worksheet count is the count at the time of initialization. The new QOH counts are set to the worksheet counts minus any changes in the master file QOH since  initialization. This allows you to continue to sell and receive inventory between initialization and posting.


Worksheets are identified by store, date, and sheet number. (Ignore any references to a Location Code, keep its value blank.) This uniquely identifies each set of worksheets. The worksheets can be created three different ways: by pre-loading it from the master file, by pre-loading it from a portable Densei scanner, and by manually creating it. When old worksheets become a year old, they are automatically deleted at the next initialization.


Worksheets may be Open, Committed, or Posted. Open worksheets can have their counts modified. Only counts from committed worksheets will be included in the posting. Items from open worksheets will not be included.


The menus have three sections, separated with a blank line: initialization, edit cycle, and posting. Interlocks require completing one section before proceeding to the next.


Make sure you’ve set the correct Inventory Method: A, B, or C (GM-SU-02-03). Use method A if you want to initialize a set of worksheets from the master file, method B if you’re going to create most of your worksheets from items scanned with the Densei scanner and method C if you’re going to manually create all your worksheets. Methods A and B also allow manual creation of worksheets for any adjustments you may need to make for items already on other worksheets. Each method has slightly different menu options for the inventory.


Regardless of the method, current master file QOH counts are saved so any changes before posting can be used to adjust the worksheet count.


You must initialize (GM-24-01-01) before you can do anything else. Enter the date you want to use as the inventory date. This date identifies this inventory, so the same date must be used throughout the inventory.

Counting & Verifying (Edit Cycle)

As explained above, method B allows counting items with a special Densei scanner. You then create worksheets from the scanned items. You can commit the worksheets as you create them, or leave them open and commit each one manually at a later time. Special reports help you monitor the status of all items scanned. Only items in the master file can be included in any worksheets; you’ll be notified of any scanned items that are missing.


You can modify the count on any open worksheet, but once it’s committed you can only change a count by entering an adjusting count for the same item on another open worksheet. Do not try to make adjustments through the inventory adjustments menu between initialization and posting; they won’t have any effect.


Various reports help you monitor and confirm the counts before you perform the irreversible stop of posting. You can run the reports as often as you want to verify and refine the inventory count.


Printing Reports

Print non-committed sheets

Lets you see which worksheets won’t be included in the posting if done at this time.

Master file status report

The other reports look at the inventory from a worksheet viewpoint, but this one lets you look at the inventory status of items from the viewpoint of the master file. Various options help you check on the progress of the inventory.


Print Adjustments / Valuation

This report shows you the cost/price valuation of the worksheet items, open and committed, at this point in time, along with the difference between the old master file QOH counts and what they’ll be if you post the current worksheets.



You can add new worksheets at any time up to posting. The same item can be on more than one worksheet; the counts are added together. If you’ve committed a worksheet and discover an error in the count, you can manually create a worksheet and record a compensating count, positive or negative, for the item, so when they’re added together they provide the correct count.


You can delete any worksheet at any time prior to posting.

You can print any worksheet at any time.


For inventory method B, you can also print status reports on the intermediate file holding the Densei scanned data before it goes to a worksheet.


Posting the Counts

Once you’ve confirmed that you have the correct counts in committed worksheets for all the master file items you want updated, you can perform the irreversible posting step. This is where the master file QOH values are actually changed. For each item, the worksheet counts are added together and the difference between the QOH at initialization and the current QOH is subtracted for the new QOH value. For example, if the item count at initialization was 10, the worksheet counts total 8, and 3 items were sold between initialization and posting, the new QOH will be 5 (the counted 8 minus (the original 10 minus the current 7)).


Corrections after Posting

Corrections during inventory, between initialization and posting, must be made on worksheets. Corrections between inventories are made through the inventory adjustments menu (GM-24-02). Enter the SKU, the adjustment amount, and the reason code for why the adjustment was made. An inventory adjustment report (RP-01-21) lets you review and monitor these adjustments.


Printing Barcode Labels

You can print tags from the MF Maintenance menus, from Receiving, or from the TAG account’s main menu. You can have as many different types of tags as you want; each will be identified by a unique tag type (TAGS-25). Each tag type includes a header tag format and a detail tag format. When you print several sets of tags at once, the header tag helps you find the beginning of each set of tags. The detail tags are the ones you attach to the merchandise.


Each Tag Type specifies the type’s Code, the Header and Detail Tag formats (TAGS-24), how many Header Tags to print at the beginning of each run, and where to print the tags. An item’s tag type must be specified explicitly at the TAGS menus, while Receiving and MF Maintenance pick up the tag type according to the following priority.


The Label Code specified in the SKU definition (GM-MF, SKU) – or if it’s null, the Tag Default specified in the Class definition (GM-SU-01-02) – or if’s null, the Tag Type used in the last print job.


Whenever you’re asked to enter a tag type, you can enter ?? to get a list of what types are available.

Adopt GM Items

Adopting GM Items

Enter or Modify your adoption TX.1.1,  select the DEPT/CRS/SECT in Adoption Maintenance you wish to add your GM item (s) to.

At the bottom-line prompt select S2=Screen 2.

In the new S2=Screen, if your campus is using a specific CRN number that identifies the DEPT/COURSE/SECT . then you can enter that here, once entered you can enter the Campus Class#, preceded by a semi colon (;) in the Dept, Course or Section fields to look up the section (i.e. ;01234567). *Campus Class is not a required field not all users use this feature. You can navigate past this field by pressing enter or click on the SKU field.

In the SKU field, enter the SKU or you may do the normal GM item lookup to find the item. If you are selecting a Matrix GM item then select the Parent SKU, This way when its displays on the web the customer will see the Color and Size drop down selectors to choose from.

Enter the QTY that the student should purchase for the section and enter R/O to indicate if the item is Required or Optional.

Adding Fee(s) Adoptions

You can add POS Fee Code(s) the same way that you would add a sku in the S2=Screen 2. The fee will then be displayed along with the GM and Textbook information in the Adoption/Course search on your website.

You can also enter in Fee Code(s), this allows you to collect any additional fees that may be required for the course that has been set by the Instructor or Staff. *for details on setting up Fees Codes, reference POS Training

Example web cart

Resume Web Order

Resume Orders that have been placed will look the exact same as other Web Orders. *note you will have to verify the rental item and price when resuming the order. It is best that you have a copy of the order to verify the type or rental and length of rental.
Example Web Order Resume

Creating a Purchase Order with New Matrix Items

The steps below cover how to create matrix items while you are in the middle of creating a purchase order.

  1. Start a new PO in GM-1-21
    1. Enter a PO# or enter a period “.” to use the next system suggested number.
    2. Optional: Enter an Alternate # for any third party reference numbers.
    3. Enter the order date.
    4. Enter the vendor number, or do a vendor lookup by entering part of the vendors name.
    5. Optional: If you are a multi-store environment then you can use the Ship To: field to specify a store to ship the merchandise to.
    6. Enter a shipment method in the Ship Via field or select one with the ?? button.
      • Additional shipment methods can be added by clicking the ?? button and then clicking on the Maint button on the bottom left.
      • You will be returned to the PO screen after creating your any necessary shipment methods. Just press Enter at the empty Ship Via Code field.
    7. Optional: Enter any order comments.
    8. Optional: Enter any deadline date in the Must Sip by field.
      • The top section of the PO should now look something similar to this:
  2. Start adding items to the PO
    1. After navigating past the Must Ship by field your focus will be moved to the line navigation tool.
      • This tool can be used to display additional lines not currently displayed on the screen. To add new lines to the bottom of the list, insert lines into the middle of the list, more move items in the list.
    2. Enter a 1 into the text field of the navigation tool to jump to line 1. You can also enter an “A” to add a new line to the PO to the end, if you are at the beginning then it will create the first line.
      • If there was already a line #1, you can enter the next field (2) and it would create a new line for line 2.
      • You can also click on the Add button on the navigation tool but keeping your hands on the keyboard is generally the most effect way to use the system.
    3. At the Item Entry screen you can add an existing item or create a new item and add it to the PO.
      1. To add an existing item, enter the SKU, barcode, vendor catalog ID or part of the items description into the SKU field.
      2. To create and add a new item:
        1. Enter a . into the SKU field
        2. Select MF Entry option.
          • The quick entry is a bare bone item creation screen. Matrix items cannot be added via the quick entry method. Which falls outside the scope of this article.
          • The process is very straight forward however, simply populate the required fields in the Quick Entry screen, save your item, and then you will be taken back to the Item Entry screen where you can specify order quantities, cost, etc.
        3. The system should now be at the regular MF/Item screen to create the new item.
          1. Enter a description for the item
          2. Fill out the required fields: Status Code, Date, Class Code, Unit of Measure (UOM)
            • Also fill out any necessary optional fields, notably any color/size fields, the selling price and any vendor information
        4. Enter the order parameters for the new item
          • None of these fields are required and can be skipped by pressing ESC and then Enter
          • The Buyer Code is used to restrict the purchase of this item to a specific employee.
          • Auto Order Code is used to specify the calculation type. Essentially a collection of parameters, calculations and criteria on when an item should be placed on order via the Auto Orders process.
          • Min and Max can be used to specify a minimum or maximum order quantity
          • Order comments will be added to the PO every time the item is placed on a PO
        5. After saving (pressing enter) at the end of the Order Parameters screen the system goes back to the MF item screen.
        6. Select the U=Matrix button or type U and press Enter
        7. Click on Continue at the notification that the item will be saved before proceeding to the Matrix screen.
        8. Create any child item(s) to add to this matrix set
          1. Select the A=Add option or type an A and press Enter
          2. Select the color and size codes for the first child item
          3. Press Enter at the SKU field.
          4. DO NOT click past the sku field into another field.
          5. DO NOT change the SKU value.
          6. Enter the selling price for the first child item
          7. Continue adding child items by entering their color, size and sell price of the child item(s) until done.
          8. To complete the process press Enter at an empty Color field. Then press Enter or use the =Save option to save the child items.
          9. Once back at the MF Entry screen enter a . into the SKU field and repeat the steps above to create any additional items until done.
          10. Press Enter at the MF Entry screen’s SKU field to bring the system back to the PO Item Entry process
        9. Specify the quantity to order for each child item. The Vendor List and Vendor Cost can also be modified per child item.
          • Press Enter after the last child item. Then press Enter in the Line Item navigation tool to finish editing the child order data.
        10. Press Enter to save the quantities, prices, etc. specified for the child items.
          • M=Modify can be used to go back and change field values.
          • X=Cancel will cancel the ORDER information for this item. The new items will still exist in the system.
        11. The regular Item Entry screen will then be displayed with an overview of the matrix set on the PO.
          • The SKU is the Mother SKU of the matrix set
          • Order Qty is the combined quantity of the child items on order
          • The Vendor List is the list specified in the Mother SKU
          • The Selling Price is the Selling price of the Mother SKU
          • The Discount. % is the vendor list vs vendor cost percentage
          • the Cost is the average of the CHILD items ordered
        12. Add any order or receiving comments. The screen will then display the options to Save, Cancel, Modify Matrix or Cancel Order Qty. Press Enter to save.
        13. The screen will then go back to the PO overview with the items added into line 1. Focus is placed in the Line Navigation tool.
          • The QOrd (quantity ordered) is the total number of child items ordered.
          • The QOut (quantity outstanding) is the number of child items that have not been received and are still outstanding.
          • The Retail and Cost columns will always display MATRIX when a matrix set has been ordered.
          • The Ext Cost (extended cost) is the combined cost of all child items.
        14. Enter a 2 into the line navigation tool or click on the Add button to add another item to the order.
        15. Pressing enter in the line navigation tool will display the options at the bottom of the screen.
          • L=LineItems can be used to navigate to a line item and view the item details, change costs, quantities, etc. for the item on that line.
            • It’s recommended to Save the PO after adding the line items and then go back in to view, modify, etc. to ensure that any work isn’t lost.
          • M=Modify will bring the focus to the top of the PO section to modify the vendor, shipment, comments, etc. fields at the top of the PO
          • C=Cancel Order will cancel the PO and the quantities on order for all items associated with the PO.



Set or Reset a User Password

Some menus have been changed, please read carefully.

While the steps on how to change a user’s password are straight forward, there are a few points that need to be kept in mind.

  1. When you set a user’s password in User Maintenance (UU-5-1) or User-Cashier Maintenance (POS-22-1) the system automatically sets their password to reset when they first log in.
    1. This means that the password set in User Maintenance is temporary. Do not set the password to what the user would like to use long term.
  2. It is necessary to set the user’s password from the Host Connection. While these steps can be followed on an individual register, passwords that are changed on the cash register ARE NOT sent to the host or to all of the other registers.
    1. By setting the password on the host all registers will get the updated password.
    2. Check POS-6-2 to view which registers are communicating. Those who have a “To Be Xfered” amount of zero in the right hand column will immediately have the updated password.
      1. Steps to restart the register communications can be found in the Smartlane Communications video here.

To quickly reset the password for the logged in user

  1. Type PASSWORD into any menu prompt and press Enter
  2. A dialogue will appear prompting for the users password along with a Enter New Password and Confirm Password prompt
    1. Enter your current password into the “Enter Your Password” prompt
      1. This is to confirm the identity of the logged in user
    2. Enter a new password into the “Enter New Password” field.
      1. Passwords must be 8 characters long and include at least one letter and one number
        • g. 1234567A or ABCDEFG1 the password is NOT case sensitive, this means that ABCDEFG1 and abcdefg1 are both treated the same.
      2. Re-enter the new password into the “Confirm Password” field and press enter.
    3. The password has now been set for the logged in user and will update to all of the registers.


To reset the password for another user

  1. From any module, go to UU-5-1 or POS-22-1
  2. Enter the user ID of the user who’s password is going to be reset
  3. Navigate to the Password field and type in the new password
    1. Note that this new password is temporary. The user will be forced to set their own password after the log in with this temporary password.
    2. Passwords must be 8 characters long and include at least one letter and one number
      • g. 1234567A or ABCDEFG1. They can also include special characters. The password is NOT case sensitive, this means that ABCDEFG1 and abcdefg1 are both treated the same.
  4. Enter the temporary password again into the Confirm Password field
    1. Press Continue on the notification box. This is a notification that the password entered is temporary and the user will need to reset their password when they log in.
  5. Press ESC after reaching the Expires field
  6. Enter to save the password change.
  7. Have the user log in with their new temporary password.
    1. You can type in ID at the menu and press enter to display the login prompt or have them log into another connection.
  8. They will immediately get a prompt to reset their password
    1. They need to enter their new, permanent password into the Enter New Password and Confirm Password fields
    2. Passwords must be 8 characters long and include at least one letter and one number
      • g. 1234567A or ABCDEFG1. They can also include special characters. The password is NOT case sensitive, this means that ABCDEFG1 and abcdefg1 are both treated the same.
  9. After that is complete their password will update to all of the registers.



TCS Department/Class Setup

Before you can add any inventory items for Fee codes you must have the Department and Classed setup that the items will be a part of. Depending on the module that you are in navigate to the appropriate place to create the department or class code; GM – GM.SU.1.4 and 2, TX-TX.SU.4.6.21 and 22, POS-POS.22.3.1 and 2, AR-AR.SU.5

It does not matter which module you use to create the department or class code since they are universal and available in all modules once they have been created.

Department Setup

The department needs to be setup first, in GM go to SU.1.4. Some examples of Departments would be Textbooks, Clothing, Food.

  • Enter a ‘.’ to create the next sequential number or enter the number that you want to use. If you create a new department you will be prompted to Add/Copy/Cancel, select Add to create from scratch or select Copy to copy a from an existing department.
  • Enter the description as you would like it to display on reports
  • Non-Merchandise – Enter ‘N’ if this is a normal ‘inventoried’ department or ‘Y’ if this department is for NON merchandise classes, such as fee codes.
  • Enter ‘Y’ to exclude this department’s sales for the flash report which is a special sales report that does daily/weekly/monthly/yearly sales comparison to same time for previous year.
  • Enter any additional descriptions that you would like to use to help explain this department.
  • GL & DSR Dist Code: – If you have created some General Ledger distribution codes then you can select them here. These are used in the reporting for general ledger.
  • Transfer Out Disc %: – This is the discount that will be used when transferring inventory from one store to another, the items in this department at cost * (1-discount). Leave the field blank for no discount.

Class Setup

Once the department has been created, you can now create the classes that are part of that department, some examples would be (Textbooks – New Books, Used Books, E-books, Rentals: Clothing – Men’s Shirts, Women’s Shirts, Children’s shirts or just Shirts, Pants, Shorts: Food – Packaged food, Prepared Food, Snacks, Sodas, Candy Bars, Chips)

  • Enter a ‘.’ to create the next sequential number or enter the number that you want to use. If you create a new class you will be prompted to Add/Copy/Cancel, select Add to create from scratch or select Copy to copy a from an existing class.
  • Enter the description as you would like it to display on reports.
  • Enter the Module that the class is part of (POS, GM, TX).
  • Enter the Department that the Class is part of.
  • ERP Method is a custom field for Datatel – call TCS if you need this.
  • Category Description – this is the Class Category fields that are maintained in GM.SU.1.1, these are used with the financial aid module to group classes together for the purpose of adding them to the financial aid customer type setup.
  • Status – ‘A’ is the normal status, you can also set the department to ‘I’ for Inactive.
  • Taxable – Blank and ‘Y’ have the same meaning, if a department is NOT taxable then enter a ‘N’.
  • Tax Table – You can enter a tax table that is different than what would be considered the Normal tax table used for the store. If a tax table is entered here it will be used for this item regardless of what is entered at the store or register level.
  • Allow Discounts – Blank and ‘Y’ have the same meaning. Enter a ‘N’ if items assigned to this department should not be allowed to be discounted at the register.
  • Maximum and Minimum Price- You can enter a Max and Min price to these fields, this will prevent you from entering a price that is too high or too low and prevent you from doing a price override at the cash register that is outside of the range set here.
  • Target Margin – Enter what you would like your margin to be for this class of item, if an item is sold without a cost associated then the system will use the margin set here to calculate the cost for reporting.
  • Default Tag type – Enter in the tag type that you would like all items in this class to use as a default, you can change this for any individual item.
  • Distribution Code – Enter a ‘N’ here if you have a preferred customer system but you do not allow rebates for purchases of items in this class. If this field is left blank, then rebates will be allowed for purchases in the class.
  • Report Group – You can enter grouping numbers here so that certain classes will report together.
  • Sub-Class is setup to be used with the NACS Universal Hierarchy for reporting to NACS.
  • Sub-Category is setup to be used with the NACS Universal Hierarchy for reporting to NACS.
  • Sub-Other is setup to be used with the NACS Universal Hierarchy for reporting to NACS.
  • NACS-Survey is setup to be used with the NACS Universal Hierarchy for reporting to NACS.
  • Modifier – You can enter any modifier that has been setup in POS2.2, this modifier will automatically get used on all transactions that sell an item in this class.

GM Price Changes

The Price Change screen allows you to change the prices of multiple items without having to navigate through each individual item. It also allows you to set prices for items for a specific time frame.

Creating Price Changes

To get started, navigate to GM-22-1 to create your list of items and their new prices.

  1. Enter the correct store
  2. Choose S for the source
  3. Enter a “.” for a new document number, or enter a preexisting document number to access that document.
  4. The effective date controls when these changes should be applied. Never use a date prior to todays date.
  5. If the price changes are going to be temporary, then enter an End Date for the changes.
  6. Cancellation is only used if the price change is temporary. If so, then enter a Y

Adding Items

  1. Navigate to the ISBN/SKU field and bring up an item by a description lookup or entering its SKU.
    • The MOD column will populate automatically. This is the module of the item (GM or TX)
  2. Use the ?? next to the Reason Code to choose an appropriate readon
    1. If you want to add a Reason Code, choose the ?? and then click on the Maint button at the bottom of the list window.
    2. Enter a short 2-3 digit code for the Reason Code you would like to add and select the Add option when prompted.
    3. Enter a description for this new code and save your changes.
      • Repeat the steps above for any additional codes
    4. Press enter at the empty Reason Code field to get back to the Price Change document.
  3. Enter the New price for the item.
  4. Continue adding additional items to the document. Once all items have been added save the document which takes you to the previous menu.
  5. Choose option 2 (GM-22-2) to post ALL open price change documents.
    1. Posting a document changes the status to P, which prevents it from posting a second time.
  6. At this point all items on the document will have their new prices.



Custom Reports Through Query Builder

The TCS Query Builder is a very powerful tool for users of SmartSuite to customize or create new reports that more specifically meet their needs.

The Basics

Verbs Can be either SORT or LIST. List is random and SORT is ordered.
Filename The SmartSuite system is comprised of several data files unique to each module.
Dictionaries Each data file has its own unique set of dictionaries that define how data fields are represented.
Selection Criteria The rules you define to limit the volume of data to be included on a report.
Sort Criteria The rules you set to define how the data will be sorted.
Output Criteria The columns that will be included on a report.


Nearly 100% of the reports in SmartSuite utilize the same rules that the Query Builder does. We just add a more complex screen for your parameters and do a few more technical things.

The best way to create a query is to start from an existing one. If you don’t have an existing one then choose one of the system reports and see how we did it. Try to run a report that contains similar data to what you would like to create. For example, if you are going to create a report to display sale information, then use a Sales report as a reference. This way you can see what filename we are pulling sales data from and can use that same filename in your query.

You can see our query string by running the report but instead of selecting terminal, or printer, etc. choose the option to show the Command String.

Here’s a simple command from POS-RP-04-21 (Cashier Listing).

This has a Verb (SORT), a Filename (POS.EM), and Output Criteria (NAME.15 SECURITY.LEVEL.8 MISC.INFO.40. There is also a HEADING.

Screen Elements

Here’s an example of a query created by an end-user for doing a sales export.

ID This can be alpha or numeric. It is just the name you want associated with the report and is assigned by the user.
Used By Can be left blank or filled in with the name of the person who will be the primary user of the report. (When you enter “??” in the ID field the list is sorted by Used By and then by Desc.)
Verb Use either SORT or LIST
Filename Enter “??” to view a list of all of the files for the database you are logged into (POS, TEXT, GM, etc.) This is where it is easier to use the Command String to see what file to use. After some experience you become familiar with our naming convention and the file names will make sense.
Selection Criteria Enter valid dictionary items. If you click on “??” you will see a complete list of the dictionaries for the file selected. Here is a list of the POS.EM file (employee master).

If you enter “Y” in the Prompt column then when you run the report you will be prompted for the value you want to use. Dates can be entered just like in our screens.

The “??” works the same in each area, so the explanation will not be repeated.

The “?” provides most of the information provided in this document.

Sort Criteria The report above is going to be sorted by DATE and then by KEY. Since it is using the SalesTransactionDetail file (POS.STD) the key is store*date*register*transaction.

Output Criteria This varies in that the 2nd column is for BREAKS. A Break is usually used to provide subtotals. It can also be used to create a logical break on the report. Break options include:

T Total the column

Y Break with no total

P When breaking start a new Page

D Only show the detail lines

U Underline the total

L Suppress and blank lines following a total or other break

Breaks can be combined to cause multiple effects.

Include Record IDs Frequently the ID to a file is cryptic and the data you are viewing is redundant to the ID (just formatted better); in this case enter an “N”. If you want to see the record IDs, then enter a “Y”.

Detail Lines If your primary interest is summary data then enter “N” for detail lines. The 1st time you run the report, or as you are developing it, leave this a “Y” to have a better feel for the data.

Column Headings This is almost always a “Y” but they can be turned off for exporting/importing.

Sample Size When developing the report, you may not want to wait very long for you to see what you will get. Enter number here and as soon as that number of detail records is reached the report will print (or display). We usually start with 10 and move up to 100 if necessary.

Grand Total Enter any wording you want to appear on a grand total line. The Mod: field is used to Underline any totals.

Heading This optional field will cause a heading to print at the top of the report.

There are 3 primary modifiers that can be used in defining a heading. They include:

L Create a Line Break

T Insert the Time & Date

P Insert the Page Number

Here’s a sample:


When you choose the Run option you will be prompted for any of the inputs you specified and then you will select where to print the report using the same options as all other SmartSuite reports.