Automatic Reports via Background Processor
Steps on how to create an automated process to run reports on a desired schedule.
POS Training
Training document for the Point of Sale module.
Mail Orders & eCommerce also known as Web Order Processing
Instructions on how to create a Mail Order transaction.
Loyalty Rewards Setup
Steps on how to setup Loyalty rewards.
Gift Receipt Setup
Steps on how to create a gift receipt and print one on demand.
Class Specific Exemptions
Set a class as tax exempt by using a modifier.
POS Vouchers, Gift Certificate & Gift Card Setup, Issuing and Redemption
Voucher Requirements There are two things that must be present in order to process a voucher or gift card as
Rental Setup and Training
Setup and training for the TCS rental product.
Register Reconciliation
Steps on how to reconcile a register.
End of Day Procedures
Instructions on how to close out the day.